我已经尝试了我能想到的一切,但我无法在 Outlook 2013 中显示单元格之间的空格。这是从 NationBuilder 发送的。如何添加单元格间距以便它在 Outlook 中呈现?


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<body>{{ recipient.first_name_or_friend }} --
  <h1 style="color: #e37c00; font-family: &#39;Trebuchet MS&#39;, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center;">The
  Rogers Park Food Co-op has some exciting upcoming events!</h1>
  <table id="bodytable" border="0" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="20" width="100%" style="border-spacing: 10px !important; border-collapse: separate !important; background-color:#ffffff;">
        <td style="background-color: #f8febf; border-collapse:seperate !important;">
          <h2 style="text-decoration: none; font-family: &#39;Trebuchet MS&#39;, sans-serif; text-transform: capitalize; color: #2594aa;">
          <a href="http://www.rogersparkfoodcoop.com/sustainability_open_house">Berger Park Sustainability Open House</a>
            <strong>Date: April 22, 2016 from 7 - 8:30pm</strong>
            <br />
           Berger Park Cultural Center
          <br />
           6205 N Sheridan Rd</strong>
            Come celebrate the renovation of Berger Park,s south lawn! The architects plan will be unveiled. Also, Edgewater organizations committed to sustainability will have presentation tables. Share your ideas for other improvements to your park.
          <a href="https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/rogersparkfoodcoop/pages/177/attachments/original/1460228200/April_22BergerPark2016-SustainOpenHouse.pdf?1460228200">
            <img align="right" style="margin: 6px 1px; border: 1px solid black; float: right;" title="BergerSmall.gif" src="BergerSmall.gif" alt="BergerSmall.gif" width="100" height="129" />
          <p>Presentation Tables:</p>Berger Park South Lawn Renovation
          <br />Loyola Sustainability Institute Student sustainability projects
          <br />Edgewater Environmental Sustainability Project
          <br />Monarch butterfly project at Berger Park
          <br />LetsGOChicago
          <br />Rogers Park Food Co-op
          <br />Free Little Libraries
          <p>Please RSVP at
            <a href="https://nextdoor.com/events/il/chicago/earth-month-at-berger-park-sustainability-open-house-581265">https://nextdoor.com/events/il/chicago/earth-month-at-berger-park-sustainability-open-house-581265</a>
        <td style="background-color: #f8febf;">
          <h2 style="text-decoration: none; font-family: &#39;Trebuchet MS&#39;, sans-serif; text-transform: capitalize; color: #2594aa;">

            <a href="http://www.rogersparkfoodcoop.com/meet_the_farmers">Meet the Farmers</a>
             April 27, 2016 at 5pm - 7pm</strong>
            <br />
             Uncommon Ground
            <br />
             1401 W Devon Ave</strong>
          <a href="https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/rogersparkfoodcoop/pages/174/attachments/original/1458565305/Meet_the_Farmers.jpg?1458565305">
            <img align="right" style="float: right; margin: 6px 1px; border: 1px solid black;" title="MeettheFarmers_sm.jpg" src="MeettheFarmers_sm.jpg" alt="MeettheFarmers_sm.jpg" width="100" height="155" />
          <p>FREE EVENT!</p>
          <p>Get some face-time with the local farmers who supply the best Chicago restaurants and Farmers Markets!</p>
          <p>Learn about where your food comes from by talking to the people who grow it!</p>
          <p>Get 10% off Dinner from Uncommon Ground!</p>
          <p>Stay for live musicfrom 8-10 pm.</p>
            <a href="https://www.facebook.com/events/187709778277126/">here</a>
        <td style="background-color: #f8febf;">
          <h2 style="text-decoration: none; font-family: &#39;Trebuchet MS&#39;, sans-serif; text-transform: capitalize; color: #2594aa;">

            <a href="http://www.rogersparkfoodcoop.com/farm_fresh_jams">Farm Fresh Jams</a>
             April 27, 2016 at 8pm - 10pm</strong>
            <br />
             Uncommon Ground
            <br />
             1401 W Devon Ave</strong>
          <a href="https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/rogersparkfoodcoop/pages/173/attachments/original/1458531431/PosterDraft.PNG?1458531431">
            <img align="right" style="float: right; margin: 6px 1px; border: 1px solid black;" title="FarmFresh_sm.jpg" src="FarmFresh_sm.jpg" alt="FarmFresh_sm.jpg" width="100" />
          <p>Fundraiser Concert for the Rogers Park Food Co-op</p>
            <strong>Featuring performances by:</strong>
          <p>Luna Blu</p>
          <p>Abbie &amp; Marlon</p>
          <p>Abud: A Bard.</p>
            <strong>Get 10% off Dinner from Uncommon Ground!</strong>
            <a href="https://www.facebook.com/events/495150530668190/">here</a>
        <td style="background-color: #f8febf;">
          <h2 style="text-decoration: none; font-family: &#39;Trebuchet MS&#39;, sans-serif; text-transform: capitalize; color: #2594aa;">

            <a href="https://www.facebook.com/events/211139905915958/">Moah&#39;s Ark 4th Annual Plant Sale</a>
            <strong>Date:May 7th and 8th</strong>
            <br />
            <strong>Location:Moah&#39;s ark</strong>
            <br />
            <strong>1839 W Touhy Ave</strong>
          <a href="https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/rogersparkfoodcoop/pages/173/attachments/original/1458531431/PosterDraft.PNG?1458531431">
            <img align="right" style="float: right; margin: 6px 1px; border: 1px solid black;" title="moah.jpg" src="moah.jpg" alt="moah.jpg" width="250" height="188" />
          <p>Our 4th annual plant sale will feature a big variety of heirloom tomatoes and peppers, plus herbs, flowers and more.
          <p>We have several new tomatoes, including 7 varieties of dwarf heirlooms, old favorites like the cherokee purple, green and chocolate, Moah&#39;s yellow, and a couple new italian imports.</p>
          <p>This is a 2 day event, Saturday and Sunday, which is Mother&#39;s Day. Mom&#39;s get a free plant.</p>
          <p>RSVP to this event so that you will be notified of the full list which i will be putting up soon.</p>
          <p>Happy spring!!</p>
            <a href="https://www.facebook.com/events/211139905915958/">here</a>
          <h2 style="color: #e37c00; font-family: &#39;Trebuchet MS&#39;, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center;">

            <a href="http://www.rogersparkfoodcoop.com/events">Click Here For Full Event Listing</a>
        <td style="background-color: #f8febf;">
          <h2 style="text-decoration: none; font-family: &#39;Trebuchet MS&#39;, sans-serif; text-transform: capitalize; color: #2594aa;">
        Exclusive Offers for Co-op Owners!</h2>
          <p>In our effort to provide value for our Owners, the Rogers Park Food Co-op is excited to offer the following exclusive deals for owners!</p>
          <h3>$50 Discount to Natures Farm Camp</h3>
          <p>To celebrate their love of Co-ops, Nature&#39;s Farm Camps has decided to offer a $50.00 discount for Natures Farm Camp registrations to the Chicago-area food cooperative members.</p>
            <strong>Owners will receive a coupon code in an upcoming email.</strong>
          <p>From naturesfarmcamp.com:</p>
          <blockquote>We are an overnight summer camp where kids (ages 8-14) step out of their every day and immerse themselves in nature growing, foraging, cooking, making, building and exploring. Campers do with their hands, head and heart. In the process they
            discover more about life and themselves, all while having a blast with new friends in the great outdoors.
          <hr />
          <h3>Biggest Slim-Down with Hank: Help The Co-op While Getting Fit!</h3>
          <p>Every few months, personal trainer Hank Rouse and his team of coaches run a Biggest Slim Down Contest. This past Holiday Season we had a Maintain Don&#39;t Gain Contest. To win cash prizes, all the contestants had to do was maintain their weight
            (or even lose weight). I&#39;m so excited to announce an Exclusive Opportunity for RPFC Co-Owners.</p>$25 will be donated to the Rogers Park Food Co-op for each participating Co-Owner who achieves the 3% Body Weight (Loss/Gain) benchmark.
          <p>NEW Contest: Begins April 18th</p>
          <p>Applications accepted until April 13th.</p>More Information at
          <a href="http://www.facebook.com/events/495659513953786/">http://www.facebook.com/events/495659513953786/</a> 

          <br />
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