arm 汇编代码中是否有任何特定程序接近生成 32 位二进制随机数?我需要一个程序的 1000 个测试用例。
1447 次
1 回答
在此链接中是用于 PRNG( xorshift生成器)的 32 位 ARM 代码: http ://,%203DO%20SDK%20Documentation/Type%20A/tktfldr/acbfldr/2acbh.html
基本算法为newbit:=bit33 EOR bit20,将33位数字左移放入newbit底部;对所有需要的新位(即 32 位)执行此操作。通过最大限度地利用 ARM 的桶形移位器,可以对整个操作进行紧凑的编码:
; enter with seed in R0 (32 bits), R1 (1 bit in least significant bit)
; R2 is used as a temporary register.
; on exit the new seed is in R0 and R1 as before
; Note that a seed of 0 will always produce a new seed of 0.
; All other values produce a maximal length sequence.
TST R1, R1, LSR #1 ; top bit into Carry
MOVS R2, R0, RRX ; 33 bit rotate right
ADC R1, R1, R1 ; carry into lsb of R1
EOR R2, R2, R0, LSL #12 ; (involved!)
EOR R0, R2, R2, LSR #20 ; (similarly involved!)
于 2016-03-03T16:54:44.453 回答