I have a directory containing n h5 file each of which has m image stacks to filter. For each image, I will run the filtering (gaussian and laplacian) using dask parallel arrays in order to speed up the processing (Ref to Dask). I will use the dask arrays through the apply_parallel() function in scikit-image.
I will run the processing on a small server with 20 cpus.

I would like to get an advice to which parallel strategy will make more sense to use:

1) Sequential processing of the h5 files and all the cpus for dask processing
2) Parallel processing of the h5 files with x cores and use the remaining 20-x to dask processing.
3) Distribute the resources and parallel processing the h5 files, the images in each h5 files and the remaining resources for dask.

thanks for the help!


2 回答 2



如果这确实是您的情况,那么您可以使用 、 或各种其他库中的任何一个来并行dask化完成makeconcurrent.futures

如果还有其他问题,例如尝试并行化操作本身或确保您不会耗尽内存,那么您将被迫进入更复杂的系统,例如 dask,但情况可能并非如此。

于 2016-02-10T23:34:40.317 回答


make -j20你可以告诉make并行运行 20 个进程。

通过使用多个进程,您可以避免“全局解释器锁定”的成本。对于独立任务,使用多个独立进程更有效(如果您有疑问,请进行基准测试)。Make 非常适合处理需要对每个文件应用相同命令的整个文件夹 - 它传统上用于编译源代码,但它可用于运行任意命令。

于 2016-02-10T20:51:06.703 回答