I'm trying to get started with docker swarm using etcd for the discovery backend. My etcd server is at etcd.programster.org ( whilst my docker node is at swarm1.programster.org ( All machines are running on Virtualbox instances on my local network (10.1.0.x).
I manage to get my etcd server running with the following:
./etcd \
-name infra0 \
-initial-advertise-peer-urls http://$MY_IP:2380 \
-listen-peer-urls="," \
-listen-client-urls="," \
-advertise-client-urls="http://$MY_IP:2379" \
-initial-cluster-token etcd-cluster-1 \
-initial-cluster infra0=http://$MY_IP:2380 \
-initial-cluster-state new
I can set and retrieve key values from swarm1.programster.org just fine with curl and etcd.
# setting key with etcdctl
./etcdctl --peers http://etcd.programster.org:4001 set etc://etcd.programster.org/mykey "test"
# setting key with curl
curl -L \
http://etcd.programster.org:4001/v2/keys/mykey \
-XPUT -d value="test"
# retrieving key with etcdctl
./etcdctl --peers http://etcd.programster.org:4001 get etc://etcd.programster.org/mykey
# retrieving key with curl
curl -L http://etcd.programster.org:4001/v2/keys/mykey
However, whenever I run a swarm based command such as:
docker run swarm list etcd://
docker run swarm join --advertise= etcd://
I always get the following error message:
[timestamp] client: etcd cluster is unavailable or misconfigured
Have I configured my etcd server incorrectly or perhaps there is a networking configuration that I need to perform on the docker node first? I have not performed any TLS authentication yet for simplicity but perhaps swarm will not work without this?
- All machines are running Debian 8 (3.16.0-4-amd64). Also tested with Ubuntu 14.04 for swarm1.programster.org.
- Docker version 1.9.1, build a34a1d5
- etcd version 2.2.2