我正在尝试通过 ID 软件将 Quake 1 的 Direct3d9 端口反向移植到 Direct3d8,以便我可以将其移植到原始 Xbox(仅使用 D3D8 API)。

在进行更改以使用 Direct3d8 后,它会在屏幕上显示一些混搭的像素,这些像素似乎是小方块:/(参见图片)。

有谁知道这里出了什么问题?它与 D3D9 完美配合,是否有一些额外的参数需要我缺少对 D3D8 的要求,可能是矩形音高?

传入的数据是 Quake 1 .lmp 2d 图像文件。“它由两个整数(宽度和高度)后跟一​​串宽度 x 高度字节组成,每个字节都是 Quake 调色板的索引”

它被传递给 D3D_ResampleTexture() 函数。


使用 D3D8 输出图像

使用 D3D9 输出图像


void D3D_ResampleTexture (image_t *src, image_t *dst)
    int y, x , srcpos, srcbase,  dstpos;

    unsigned int *dstdata, *srcdata;

    // take an unsigned pointer to the dest data that we'll actually fill
    dstdata = (unsigned int *) dst->data;

    // easier access to src data for 32 bit resampling
    srcdata = (unsigned int *) src->data;

    // nearest neighbour for now
    for (y = 0, dstpos = 0; y < dst->height; y++)
        srcbase = (y * src->height / dst->height) * src->width;

        for (x = 0; x < dst->width; x++, dstpos++)
            srcpos = srcbase + (x * src->width / dst->width);

            if (src->flags & IMAGE_32BIT)
                dstdata[dstpos] = srcdata[srcpos];
            else if (src->palette)
                dstdata[dstpos] = src->palette[src->data[srcpos]];
            else Sys_Error ("D3D_ResampleTexture: !(flags & IMAGE_32BIT) without palette set");

void D3D_LoadTextureStage3 (LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE8/*9*/ *tex, image_t *image)
    int i;
    image_t scaled;

    D3DLOCKED_RECT LockRect;

    memset (&LockRect, 0, sizeof(D3DLOCKED_RECT));

    // check scaling here first
    for (scaled.width = 1; scaled.width < image->width; scaled.width *= 2);
    for (scaled.height = 1; scaled.height < image->height; scaled.height *= 2);

    // clamp to max texture size
    if (scaled.width > /*d3d_DeviceCaps.MaxTextureWidth*/640) scaled.width = /*d3d_DeviceCaps.MaxTextureWidth*/640;
    if (scaled.height > /*d3d_DeviceCaps.MaxTextureHeight*/480) scaled.height = /*d3d_DeviceCaps.MaxTextureHeight*/480;

    IDirect3DDevice8/*9*/_CreateTexture(d3d_Device, scaled.width, scaled.height,
    (image->flags & IMAGE_MIPMAP) ? 0 : 1,
    /*(image->flags & IMAGE_MIPMAP) ? D3DUSAGE_AUTOGENMIPMAP :*/ 0,
    (image->flags & IMAGE_ALPHA) ? D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 : D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8,

    // lock the texture rectangle
    //(*tex)->LockRect (0, &LockRect, NULL, 0);
    IDirect3DTexture8/*9*/_LockRect(*tex, 0, &LockRect, NULL, 0);

    // fill it in - how we do it depends on the scaling
    if (scaled.width == image->width && scaled.height == image->height)
        // no scaling
        for (i = 0; i < (scaled.width * scaled.height); i++)
            unsigned int p;

            // retrieve the correct texel - this will either be direct or a palette lookup
            if (image->flags & IMAGE_32BIT)
                p = ((unsigned *) image->data)[i];
            else if (image->palette)
                p = image->palette[image->data[i]];
            else Sys_Error ("D3D_LoadTexture: !(flags & IMAGE_32BIT) without palette set");
            // store it back
            ((unsigned *) LockRect.pBits)[i] = p;
        // save out lockbits in scaled data pointer
        scaled.data = (byte *) LockRect.pBits;

        // resample data into the texture
        D3D_ResampleTexture (image, &scaled);

    // unlock it
    //(*tex)->UnlockRect (0);
    IDirect3DTexture8/*9*/_UnlockRect(*tex, 0);

    // tell Direct 3D that we're going to be needing to use this managed resource shortly
    //(*tex)->PreLoad ();

LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE8/*9*/ D3D_LoadTextureStage2 (image_t *image)
    d3d_texture_t *tex;

    // look for a match

    // create a new one
    tex = (d3d_texture_t *) malloc (sizeof (d3d_texture_t));

    // link it in
    tex->next = d3d_Textures;
    d3d_Textures = tex;

    // fill in the struct
    tex->LastUsage = 0;
    tex->d3d_Texture = NULL;

    // copy the image
    memcpy (&tex->TexImage, image, sizeof (image_t));

    // upload through direct 3d
    D3D_LoadTextureStage3 (&tex->d3d_Texture, image);

    // return the texture we got
    return tex->d3d_Texture;

LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE8/*9*/ D3D_LoadTexture (char *identifier, int width, int height, byte *data, /*bool*/qboolean mipmap, /*bool*/qboolean alpha)
    image_t image;

    image.data = data;
    image.flags = 0;
    image.height = height;
    image.width = width;
    image.palette = d_8to24table;

    strcpy (image.identifier, identifier);

    if (mipmap) image.flags |= IMAGE_MIPMAP;
    if (alpha) image.flags |= IMAGE_ALPHA;

    return D3D_LoadTextureStage2 (&image);

2 回答 2



查看我的“Direct3D 图形管道”一书的第 4 章,查看访问表面和正确使用表面的示例。Pitch

于 2015-11-02T18:41:00.263 回答

对于遇到此问题的其他任何人,这是由于图像被加载到 Xbox 内存中的方式,它需要被调配。

于 2016-07-11T22:56:45.537 回答