页面底部的命名锚点在 iPhone 上只能使用一次。有什么建议么?谢谢,安迪。
<title>anchor scroll test</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=320; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;"/>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<meta name="author" content="Andy Cheeseman">
<a name='top'></a>
<div id='page_title'>iPhone Optimised Site</div>
<div id='note'>Presently, iPhones and iPods can't display fully featured flash websites. But you can however browse the websites content below.</div>
<a href='#1' class='menu'>Link to Section 1</a><br/>
<a href='#2' class='menu'>Link to Section 2</a><br/>
<a name='1'></a>
<div id='title'>Section 1</div>
<div id='content'>This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one! This is the content from section one!</div>
<a name='2'></a>
<div id='title'>Section 2</div>
<div id='content'>This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! This is the content from section two! </div>
<a href='#top' class='back_to_top'>Back to Top</a>