这有点复杂,但我希望它归结为一个非常简单的问题。所以事情是这样的:我使用 Unity 在运行时从一个 bsp 文件生成地图游戏对象,该文件有一大堆顶点、面、uvs、纹理引用等。创建的网格完全按照应有的方式出现,并且所有纹理都很好。但是有一个问题,使用如此多的材质创建的网格如此之多,导致许多绘制调用使程序变慢。因此,我搜索了一种减少绘图调用的方法,并找到了解决方案。将所有网格组合成一个大网格,并通过组合所有使用的纹理来创建纹理图集。结合网格效果很好,结合纹理效果也很好。然后我遇到了uv映射的问题。所以我从 NVidia 白皮书中找到了一个解决方案来制作一个自定义着色器,它使用 tex2d 函数使用 uv 位置及其导数从纹理中插入纹素。我认为这会奏效,但我的网格有非常奇怪的三角形,我认为它们正在破坏这个解决方案。在下图中,您可以看到网格合并时与分离时的区别:

具有更改的 UV 和自定义着色器的组合网格

使用原始 UV 分离网格


o.Albedo = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv2_BlendTex, ddx(IN.uv_MainTex), ddy(IN.uv_MainTex)).rgb;

如您所见,我添加了第二个 UV,它是原始 UV 的非平铺版本。我通过使用 frac() 函数来做到这一点,但在 C# 代码中而不是在着色器中。由于纹理可以有不同的大小,我必须在进入着色器之前计算 UV,因为当时我可以访问纹理大小。

这是我用来计算 2 个 UV 的代码:

                Rect surfaceTextureRect = uvReMappers[textureIndex];
                Mesh surfaceMesh = allFaces[i].mesh;
                Vector2[] atlasTiledUVs = new Vector2[surfaceMesh.uv.Length];
                Vector2[] atlasClampedUVs = new Vector2[surfaceMesh.uv.Length];
                for (int j = 0; j < atlasClampedUVs.Length; j++)
                    Vector2 clampedUV = new Vector2((surfaceMesh.uv[j].x - Mathf.Floor(surfaceMesh.uv[j].x)), (surfaceMesh.uv[j].y - Mathf.Floor(surfaceMesh.uv[j].y)));
                    float atlasClampedX = (clampedUV.x * surfaceTextureRect.width) + surfaceTextureRect.x;
                    float atlasClampedY = (clampedUV.y * surfaceTextureRect.height) + surfaceTextureRect.y;
                    atlasTiledUVs[j] = new Vector2((surfaceMesh.uv[j].x * surfaceTextureRect.width) + surfaceTextureRect.x, (surfaceMesh.uv[j].y * surfaceTextureRect.height) + surfaceTextureRect.y);
                    atlasClampedUVs[j] = new Vector2(atlasClampedX, atlasClampedY);
                    if (i < 10) { Debug.Log(i + " Original: " + surfaceMesh.uv[j] + " ClampedUV: " + clampedUV); }
                surfaceMesh.uv = atlasTiledUVs;
                surfaceMesh.uv2 = atlasClampedUVs;

数组 uvReMappers 是使用 Texture2D 函数 PackTextures() 时创建的 Rect 数组。




3 回答 3


我终于解决了问题!所以事实证明我不应该在着色器之前计算 UV。相反,我通过 UV 传递着色器所需的信息,以便它可以直接计算新的纹素位置。


Rect surfaceTextureRect = uvReMappers[textureIndex];
Mesh surfaceMesh = allFaces[i].mesh;
Vector2[] atlasTexturePosition = new Vector2[surfaceMesh.uv.Length];
Vector2[] atlasTextureSize = new Vector2[surfaceMesh.uv.Length];
for (int j = 0; j < atlasTexturePosition.Length; j++)
    atlasTexturePosition[j] = new Vector2(surfaceTextureRect.x, surfaceTextureRect.y);
    atlasTextureSize[j] = new Vector2(surfaceTextureRect.width, surfaceTextureRect.height);
surfaceMesh.uv2 = atlasTexturePosition;
surfaceMesh.uv3 = atlasTextureSize;


tex2D(_MainTex, float2((frac(IN.uv.x) * IN.uv3.x) + IN.uv2.x, (frac(IN.uv.y) * IN.uv3.y) + IN.uv2.y));
于 2015-10-11T17:28:57.277 回答

我采用了不同的方法并在 cpu 上创建了一个纹理图集,从那里 UV 映射就像正常的 UV 映射一样,我所要做的就是为我的图集中的顶点信息分配一个纹理......



using UnityEngine;
using Voxels.Objects;

namespace Engine.MeshGeneration.Texturing
    /// <summary>
    /// Packed texture set to be used for mapping texture info on 
    /// dynamically generated meshes.
    /// </summary>
    public class TextureAtlas
        /// <summary>
        /// Texture definitions within the atlas.
        /// </summary>
        public TextureDef[] Textures { get; set; }

        public TextureAtlas()

        protected virtual void SetupTextures()
            // default for bas atlas is a material with a single texture in the atlas
            Textures = new TextureDef[]
                new TextureDef 
                    VoxelType = 0, 
                    Faces =  new[] { Face.Top, Face.Bottom, Face.Left, Face.Right, Face.Front, Face.Back },
                    Bounds = new[] {
                        new Vector2(0,1), 
                        new Vector2(1, 1),
                        new Vector2(1,0),
                        new Vector2(0, 0)

        public static TextureDef[] GenerateTextureSet(IntVector2 textureSizeInPixels, IntVector2 atlasSizeInPixels)
            int x = atlasSizeInPixels.X / textureSizeInPixels.X;
            int z = atlasSizeInPixels.Z / textureSizeInPixels.Z;
            int i = 0;
            var result = new TextureDef[x * z];
            var uvSize = new Vector2(1f / ((float)x), 1f / ((float)z));

            for (int tx = 0; tx < x; tx++)
                for (int tz = 0; tz < z; tz++)
                    // for perf, types are limited to 255 (1 byte)
                    if(i < 255)
                        result[i] = new TextureDef
                            VoxelType = (byte)i,
                            Faces = new[] { Face.Top, Face.Bottom, Face.Left, Face.Right, Face.Front, Face.Back },
                            Bounds = new[] {
                                new Vector2(tx * uvSize.x, (tz + 1f) * uvSize.y), 
                                new Vector2((tx + 1f) * uvSize.x, (tz + 1f) * uvSize.y),
                                new Vector2((tx + 1f) * uvSize.x, tz * uvSize.y),
                                new Vector2(tx * uvSize.x, tz * uvSize.y)


             return result;


using UnityEngine;
using Voxels.Objects;

namespace Engine.MeshGeneration.Texturing
    /// <summary>
    /// Represents an area within the atlas texture 
    /// from which a single texture can be pulled.
    /// </summary>
    public class TextureDef
        /// <summary>
        /// The voxel block type to use this texture for.
        /// </summary>
        public byte VoxelType { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Faces this texture should be applied to on voxels of the above type.
        /// </summary>
        public Face[] Faces { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Atlas start ref
        /// </summary>
        public Vector2[] Bounds { get; set; }

对于需要直接控制 UV 映射的自定义场景,我继承纹理图集,然后覆盖 SetupTextures() 方法,但在几乎所有情况下,我都会创建纹理大小相同的图集,因此只需调用 GenerateTextureSet 即可uv映射计算相信你需要。

然后,给定体素类型的给定面的 UV 坐标是...

IEnumerable<Vector2> UVCoords(byte voxelType, Face face, TextureAtlas atlas)
            return atlas.Textures
                .Where(a => a.VoxelType == voxelType && a.Faces.Contains(face))

在你的情况下,你可能有不同的方式来映射到你的包中选择的纹理,但在我的情况下,基本上面部和类型的组合决定了我想要的 uv 映射集。


于 2015-10-10T16:22:05.363 回答



        struct v2f
            float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
            float4 vertex : SV_POSITION;

        float modFunction(float number, float divisor){
            //2018-05-24: copied from an answer by Nicol Bolas: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35155598/unable-to-use-in-glsl
            return (number - (divisor * floor(number/divisor)));

        fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
            fixed4 curColor = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv);                
            fixed4 pattern = tex2D(_PatternTex, 
                    modFunction(i.uv.x*_MainTex_TexelSize.z,_PatternTex_TexelSize.z) *_PatternTex_TexelSize.x,
                    modFunction(i.uv.y*_MainTex_TexelSize.w,_PatternTex_TexelSize.w) *_PatternTex_TexelSize.y
            fixed4 col = curColor * pattern;                
            col.rgb *= col.a;
            return col;
于 2018-05-24T22:30:43.200 回答