I was wondering if there's a built-in function to extrapolate a point pattern outside the 'parent' window in R. For instance, let's generate a spatial point pattern 'X':
X <- ppp(runif(200), runif(200),
c(0,1), c(0,1), unitname=c("metre","metre"))
Let's resample the data:
a <- quadratresample(X, nx=25, ny=5, replace=F, nsamples = 1)
But the the new points are generated within the same area/spatial window
> a
planar point pattern: 200 points
window: rectangle = [0, 1] x [0, 1] metres
My question is: how would I resample the 200 points within a new window bigger than the original window (1 by 1 m); in other words, how would I extrapolate the small set of 200 spatial points to a larger scale while keeping the same resampling density; say I want to see a total of 1,000 data points in a 5 by 5 m extent?