这是从我的主 vhdl 文件分支出来的 .xco 文件中的代码:

-- The following code must appear in the VHDL architecture header:
------------- Begin Cut here for COMPONENT Declaration ------ COMP_TAG
component DCM_18
 (-- Clock in ports
  CLK_IN1           : in     std_logic;
  -- Clock out ports
  CLK_OUT1          : out    std_logic
end component;

-- COMP_TAG_END ------ End COMPONENT Declaration ------------
-- The following code must appear in the VHDL architecture
-- body. Substitute your own instance name and net names.
------------- Begin Cut here for INSTANTIATION Template ----- INST_TAG
your_instance_name : DCM_18
  port map
   (-- Clock in ports
    CLK_IN1 => CLK_IN1,
    -- Clock out ports
    CLK_OUT1 => CLK_OUT1);
-- INST_TAG_END ------ End INSTANTIATION Template ------------

目标是从 50 MHz 时钟产生 18.432 MHz 时钟。这是我添加到我的主 vhdl 文件中的代码:

clk: in std_logic;                         -- 50 MHz clock

signal test_clk: std_logic; -- new 18.432 MHz clock

component DCM_18
(-- Clock in ports
    CLK_IN1           : in     std_logic;
    -- Clock out ports
    CLK_OUT1          : out    std_logic
end component;


new_CLK : DCM_18
 port map
 (-- Clock in ports                      
 CLK_IN1 => clk,
   -- Clock out ports
 CLK_OUT1 => test_clk


ERROR:Xst:2035 - 端口有非法连接。此端口连接到输入缓冲器和其他组件。



library IEEE;
use IEEE.math_real.all;

entity basic_uart is
  generic (
    DIVISOR: natural := 120 -- DIVISOR = 50,000,000 / (16 x BAUD_RATE)
    -- 9600 -> 120
     -- 19200 -> 60
  port (
    clk: in std_logic;                         -- clock
    reset: in std_logic;                       -- reset

    -- Client interface
    rx_data: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- received byte
    rx_enable: out std_logic;                  -- validates received byte (1 system clock spike)
    tx_data: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);  -- byte to send
    tx_enable: in std_logic;                   -- validates byte to send if tx_ready is '1'
    tx_ready: out std_logic;                   -- if '1', we can send a new byte, otherwise we won't take it

    -- Physical interface
    rx: in std_logic;
    tx: out std_logic
end basic_uart;

architecture Behavioral of basic_uart is

    component DCM_18
    (-- Clock in ports
        CLK_IN1           : in     std_logic;
        -- Clock out ports
        CLK_OUT1          : out    std_logic
    end component;

  constant COUNTER_BITS : natural := integer(ceil(log2(real(DIVISOR))));

  type fsm_state_t is (idle, active); -- common to both RX and TX FSM

  type rx_state_t is
    fsm_state: fsm_state_t;                -- FSM state
    counter: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- tick count
    bits: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);    -- received bits
    nbits: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);   -- number of received bits (includes start bit)
    enable: std_logic;                     -- signal we received a new byte
  end record;

  type tx_state_t is
    fsm_state: fsm_state_t; -- FSM state
    counter: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- tick count
    bits: std_logic_vector(8 downto 0); -- bits to emit, includes start bit
    nbits: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- number of bits left to send
    ready: std_logic; -- signal we are accepting a new byte
  end record;

  signal rx_state,rx_state_next: rx_state_t;
  signal tx_state,tx_state_next: tx_state_t;

  signal sample, test_clk: std_logic; -- 1 clk spike at 16x baud rate
  signal sample_counter: std_logic_vector(COUNTER_BITS - 1 downto 0); -- should fit values in 0..DIVISOR-1


new_CLK : DCM_18
  port map
   (-- Clock in ports
    --CLK_IN1 => clk,
     CLK_IN1 => clk,
    -- Clock out ports
    CLK_OUT1 => test_clk

  -- sample signal at 16x baud rate, 1 CLK spikes
  sample_process: process (clk,reset) is
    if reset = '1' then
      sample_counter <= (others => '0');
      sample <= '0';
    elsif rising_edge(clk) then
      if sample_counter = DIVISOR - 1 then
        sample <= '1';
        sample_counter <= (others => '0');
        sample <= '0';
        sample_counter <= sample_counter + 1;
      end if;
    end if;
  end process;

  -- RX, TX state registers update at each CLK, and RESET
  reg_process: process (clk,reset) is
    if reset = '1' then
      rx_state.fsm_state <= idle;
      rx_state.bits <= (others => '0');
      rx_state.nbits <= (others => '0');
      rx_state.enable <= '0';

      tx_state.fsm_state <= idle;
      tx_state.bits <= (others => '1');
      tx_state.nbits <= (others => '0');
      tx_state.ready <= '1';

    elsif rising_edge(clk) then
      rx_state <= rx_state_next;
      tx_state <= tx_state_next;

    end if;
  end process;

  -- RX FSM
  rx_process: process (rx_state,sample,rx) is
    case rx_state.fsm_state is

    when idle =>
      rx_state_next.counter <= (others => '0');
      rx_state_next.bits <= (others => '0');
      rx_state_next.nbits <= (others => '0');
      rx_state_next.enable <= '0';
      if rx = '0' then
        -- start a new byte
        rx_state_next.fsm_state <= active;
        -- keep idle
        rx_state_next.fsm_state <= idle;
      end if;

    when active =>
      rx_state_next <= rx_state;
      if sample = '1' then
        if rx_state.counter = 8 then
          -- sample next RX bit (at the middle of the counter cycle)
          if rx_state.nbits = 9 then
            rx_state_next.fsm_state <= idle; -- back to idle state to wait for next start bit
            rx_state_next.enable <= rx; -- OK if stop bit is '1'
            rx_state_next.bits <= rx & rx_state.bits(7 downto 1);
            rx_state_next.nbits <= rx_state.nbits + 1;
          end if;
        end if;

        rx_state_next.counter <= rx_state.counter + 1;
      end if;

    end case;
  end process;

  -- RX output
  rx_output: process (rx_state) is
    rx_enable <= rx_state.enable;
    rx_data <= rx_state.bits;
  end process;

  -- TX FSM
  tx_process: process (tx_state,sample,tx_enable,tx_data) is
    case tx_state.fsm_state is

    when idle =>
      if tx_enable = '1' then
        -- start a new bit
        tx_state_next.bits <= tx_data & '0';  -- data & start
        tx_state_next.nbits <= "0000" + 10; -- send 10 bits (includes '1' stop bit)
        tx_state_next.counter <= (others => '0');
        tx_state_next.fsm_state <= active;
        tx_state_next.ready <= '0';
        -- keep idle
        tx_state_next.bits <= (others => '1');
        tx_state_next.nbits <= (others => '0');
        tx_state_next.counter <= (others => '0');
        tx_state_next.fsm_state <= idle;
        tx_state_next.ready <= '1';
      end if;

    when active =>
      tx_state_next <= tx_state;
      if sample = '1' then
        if tx_state.counter = 15 then
          -- send next bit
          if tx_state.nbits = 0 then
            -- turn idle
            tx_state_next.bits <= (others => '1');
            tx_state_next.nbits <= (others => '0');
            tx_state_next.counter <= (others => '0');
            tx_state_next.fsm_state <= idle;
            tx_state_next.ready <= '1';
            tx_state_next.bits <= '1' & tx_state.bits(8 downto 1);
            tx_state_next.nbits <= tx_state.nbits - 1;
          end if;
        end if;
        tx_state_next.counter <= tx_state.counter + 1;
      end if;

    end case;
  end process;

  -- TX output
  tx_output: process (tx_state) is
    tx_ready <= tx_state.ready;
    tx <= tx_state.bits(0);
  end process;

end Behavioral;

编辑:.XCO 文件代码

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

library unisim;
use unisim.vcomponents.all;

entity DCM_18 is
 (-- Clock in ports
  CLK_IN1           : in     std_logic;
  -- Clock out ports
  CLK_OUT1          : out    std_logic
end DCM_18;

architecture xilinx of DCM_18 is
  attribute CORE_GENERATION_INFO : string;
  attribute CORE_GENERATION_INFO of xilinx : architecture is "DCM_18,clk_wiz_v3_6,{component_name=DCM_18,use_phase_alignment=true,use_min_o_jitter=false,use_max_i_jitter=false,use_dyn_phase_shift=false,use_inclk_switchover=false,use_dyn_reconfig=false,feedback_source=FDBK_AUTO,primtype_sel=PLL_BASE,num_out_clk=1,clkin1_period=20.000,clkin2_period=20.000,use_power_down=false,use_reset=false,use_locked=false,use_inclk_stopped=false,use_status=false,use_freeze=false,use_clk_valid=false,feedback_type=SINGLE,clock_mgr_type=AUTO,manual_override=false}";
  -- Input clock buffering / unused connectors
  signal clkin1      : std_logic;
  -- Output clock buffering / unused connectors
  signal clkfbout         : std_logic;
  signal clkfbout_buf     : std_logic;
  signal clkout0          : std_logic;
  signal clkout1_unused   : std_logic;
  signal clkout2_unused   : std_logic;
  signal clkout3_unused   : std_logic;
  signal clkout4_unused   : std_logic;
  signal clkout5_unused   : std_logic;
  -- Unused status signals
  signal locked_unused    : std_logic;


  -- Input buffering
  clkin1_buf : IBUFG
  port map
   (O => clkin1,
    I => CLK_IN1);

  -- Clocking primitive
  -- Instantiation of the PLL primitive
  --    * Unused inputs are tied off
  --    * Unused outputs are labeled unused

  pll_base_inst : PLL_BASE
  generic map
   (BANDWIDTH            => "OPTIMIZED",
    CLK_FEEDBACK         => "CLKFBOUT",
    DIVCLK_DIVIDE        => 1,
    CLKFBOUT_MULT        => 14,
    CLKFBOUT_PHASE       => 0.000,
    CLKOUT0_DIVIDE       => 38,
    CLKOUT0_PHASE        => 0.000,
    CLKOUT0_DUTY_CYCLE   => 0.500,
    CLKIN_PERIOD         => 20.000,
    REF_JITTER           => 0.010)
  port map
    -- Output clocks
   (CLKFBOUT            => clkfbout,
    CLKOUT0             => clkout0,
    CLKOUT1             => clkout1_unused,
    CLKOUT2             => clkout2_unused,
    CLKOUT3             => clkout3_unused,
    CLKOUT4             => clkout4_unused,
    CLKOUT5             => clkout5_unused,
    LOCKED              => locked_unused,
    RST                 => '0',
    -- Input clock control
    CLKFBIN             => clkfbout_buf,
    CLKIN               => clkin1);

  -- Output buffering
  clkf_buf : BUFG
  port map
   (O => clkfbout_buf,
    I => clkfbout);

  clkout1_buf : BUFG
  port map
   (O   => CLK_OUT1,
    I   => clkout0);

end xilinx;

编辑(新 CLK 实例化):从 50 MHz CLK 创建 18.4 MHz CLK

-- <-----Cut code below this line and paste into the architecture body---->

   -- DCM_CLKGEN: Frequency Aligned Digital Clock Manager
   --             Spartan-6
   -- Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 14.7

   generic map (
      CLKFXDV_DIVIDE => 2,       -- CLKFXDV divide value (2, 4, 8, 16, 32)
      CLKFX_DIVIDE => 38,         -- Divide value - D - (1-256)
      CLKFX_MD_MAX => 0.0,       -- Specify maximum M/D ratio for timing anlysis
      CLKFX_MULTIPLY => 14,       -- Multiply value - M - (2-256)
      CLKIN_PERIOD => 20.0,       -- Input clock period specified in nS
                                 -- "VIDEO_LINK_M0", "VIDEO_LINK_M1" or "VIDEO_LINK_M2" 
      STARTUP_WAIT => FALSE      -- Delay config DONE until DCM_CLKGEN LOCKED (TRUE/FALSE)
   port map (
      CLKFX => new_CLK,         -- 1-bit output: Generated clock output
      CLKFX180 => OPEN,   -- 1-bit output: Generated clock output 180 degree out of phase from CLKFX.
      CLKFXDV => OPEN,     -- 1-bit output: Divided clock output
      LOCKED => OPEN,       -- 1-bit output: Locked output
      PROGDONE => OPEN,   -- 1-bit output: Active high output to indicate the successful re-programming
      STATUS => OPEN,       -- 2-bit output: DCM_CLKGEN status
      CLKIN => CLK,         -- 1-bit input: Input clock
      FREEZEDCM => OPEN, -- 1-bit input: Prevents frequency adjustments to input clock
      PROGCLK => OPEN,     -- 1-bit input: Clock input for M/D reconfiguration
      PROGDATA => OPEN,   -- 1-bit input: Serial data input for M/D reconfiguration
      PROGEN => OPEN,       -- 1-bit input: Active high program enable
      RST => OPEN              -- 1-bit input: Reset input pin

   -- End of DCM_CLKGEN_inst instantiation


错误:包装:198 - 未生产 NCD。从设计中删除了所有逻辑。这通常是由于设计中没有输入或输出 PAD 连接,也没有标记为“SAVE”的网络或符号。您可以在设计中添加 PAD 或“SAVE”属性,或运行“map -u”以禁用映射器中的逻辑修整。


2 回答 2



我的建议是不要将 coregen 用于像实例化 DCM 块这样简单的事情。如果您只是例化 DCM,您可以将源时钟连接到它其他逻辑,并且工具会自动在正确的位置插入一个全局时钟缓冲区以使其工作。

您似乎正在使用 ISE,因此请转到Edit > Language Templates,然后选择VHDL > Device Primitive Instantiation,展开相关设备,然后选择Clock Components,然后为您的 DCM 找到一个模板。您可以将源时钟直接连接到此实例化。


  • 阅读您的代码的任何人都可以直接看到各种参数(乘数、除数等),而不必打开 coregen。
  • 您可以基于泛型或常量指定参数,因此更容易更改输出频率。
  • 您不必担心在哪里插入了哪些时钟缓冲区;在大多数情况下,没有必要手动实例化它们。

如果您在为 DCM 实例化设置各种泛型时遇到问题,请查看文档,该文档通常非常好。例如,此处的 Spartan 6 文档:http ://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/user_guides/ug382.pdf第 98 页起。或者,您可以从文件中复制实例化.xco并将其用作起点。

于 2015-08-19T13:12:07.707 回答

您的输入引脚被命名clk并路由到DCM_18通过 CoreGen 创建的组件。DCM_18 模块使用 PLL_ADV 生成时钟。

如您所见,DCM_18 模块例化了一个 IBUFG,以将您的时钟信号从外部引脚clk通过一个特殊的(支持时钟的)输入缓冲器路由到一个时钟网络,该时钟网络直接进入 PLL_ADV。

PLL_ADV 输出 clkout0 通过 BUFG 路由,以将新时钟信号馈送到时钟网络,您设计中的每个触发器都可以使用该时钟网络。

所以回到你的顶层模块,新的时钟是通过test_clk. 您应该将此时钟用于人字拖。

使用clk是错误的,因为您无法在引脚 (IPAD) 和输入缓冲器 (IBUF(G)) 之间获取信号。

于 2015-08-19T13:17:46.990 回答