I'm trying to change the schema of an Access 2013 table. I want to lengthen some of the text fields. When I change the schema and try to save I get dialog with Operation is not supported for this type of object, and a note that This property cannot be modified in linked tables. That makes sense. So I go to the relationships and try to delete one of the links. This gives me the error: You can't delete a relationship inherited from a linked database.

I don't know of any "linked databases" (I didn't create the database). Is there a way I can figure out what/where these might be?


2 回答 2




' Connect identifies the database source of the linked table
? CurrentDb.TableDefs("remote_Foo").Connect

' SourceTableName is the remote table name
? CurrentDb.TableDefs("remote_Foo").SourceTableName


在 Access 2010 中,该信息也可从链接表管理器中获得,可以通过右键单击导航窗格中的链接名称然后从快捷菜单中选择它来打开它。我不知道该选项在 Access 2013 中是否已更改。

您将需要对远程数据库中的表进行设计更改。然后重新创建链接或使用其RefreshLink方法,以便 Access 识别设计更改并更新它为该链接维护的元数据。

于 2015-06-23T20:35:52.263 回答
  1. 您的表必须链接到 Sharepoint 站点。

  2. 转到“外部数据”字段,然后单击“脱机工作”按钮(它是一个切换按钮)。

  3. 进行任何架构更改。

  4. 再次单击在线工作选项卡以将更改同步到共享点。

于 2016-07-21T14:21:50.053 回答