一个基本问题 - 但为什么在 Powershell 脚本中 Get-Service 不将列表打印到输出?
Write-Host "Enumerating installed Services..." -ForegroundColor Green
Get-Service | Sort-Object status,displayname
但是,如果我打开一个 powershell 提示符并手动键入它,它就可以正常工作。
param([string] $server)
$serverSystem = Get-WmiObject -computername $env:computername Win32_ComputerSystem
$serverCPUDetail = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $env:computername Win32_Processor
switch ($ComputerSystem.DomainRole){
0 {$ComputerRole = "Standalone Workstation"}
1 {$ComputerRole = "Member Workstation"}
2 {$ComputerRole = "Standalone Server"}
3 {$ComputerRole = "Member Server"}
4 {$ComputerRole = "Domain Controller"}
5 {$ComputerRole = "Domain Controller"}
default {$ComputerRole = "No role available" }
$serverOS = Get-WmiObject -class Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $env:computername
Write-Host "Enumerating System information..." -ForegroundColor Green
" "
Start-Sleep -s 1
Write-Host "Hostname:" ($env:computername)
Write-Host "Domain:" ($serverSystem.Domain)
Write-Host "Role:" ($ComputerRole)
Write-Host "Operating System:" ($serverOS.Caption)
Write-Host "Service Pack:" ($serverOS.CSDVersion)
$lastBootTime = $serverOS.ConvertToDateTime($serverOS.Lastbootuptime)
Write-Host "Last Boot Time:" $lastBootTime
" "
Write-Host "Enumerating Hardware information..." -ForegroundColor Green
" "
Start-Sleep -s 1
Write-Host "Model:" ($serverSystem.Model)
Write-Host "Manufacturer:" ($serverSystem.Manufacturer)
Write-Host "CPU - No. of Processors:" ($serverSystem.NumberOfProcessors)
Write-Host "CPU - No. of Cores:" ($serverCPUDetail.NumberofCores)
Write-Host "CPU - No. of Processors, Logical:" ($serverCPUDetail.NumberOfLogicalProcessors)
Write-Host "Memory in GB:" ([math]::round($serverSystem.TotalPhysicalMemory/1024/1024/1024,0))
" "
Write-Host "Enumerating Disk Information..." -ForegroundColor Green
Start-Sleep -s 1
Foreach ($s in $env:computername) {
Get-WmiObject -Class win32_volume -cn $s |
Select-Object @{LABEL='Comptuer';EXPRESSION={$s}},DriveLetter, Label,@{LABEL='Free Space (GB)';EXPRESSION={"{0:N2}" -f ($_.freespace/1GB)}}
" "
Write-Host "Enumerating Network Information..." -ForegroundColor Green
" "
Start-Sleep -s 1
ForEach($NIC in $env:computername) {
$intIndex = 1
$NICInfo = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $env:computername Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | Where-Object {$_.IPAddress -ne $null}
$caption = $NICInfo.Description
$ipAddress = $NICInfo.IPAddress
$ipSubnet = $NICInfo.IpSubnet
$ipGateWay = $NICInfo.DefaultIPGateway
$macAddress = $NICInfo.MACAddress
Write-Host "Network Card": $intIndex
Write-Host "Interface Name: $caption"
Write-Host "IP Addresses: $ipAddress"
Write-Host "Subnet Mask: $ipSubnet"
Write-Host "Default Gateway: $ipGateway"
Write-Host "MAC: $macAddress"
$intIndex += 1
" "
# Write-Host "Enumerating Software Installations..." -ForegroundColor Green
# " "
# Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Select-Object -property Name
Write-Host "Enumerating installed Services..." -ForegroundColor Green
Get-Service | Sort-Object status,displayname