我有日志文件进入 ELK 堆栈。我想复制一个字段 (foo) 以便对其执行各种突变,但是字段 (foo) 并不总是存在。

如果 foo 不存在,那么 bar 仍然被创建,但被分配了文字字符串"%{foo}"



if ["foo"] {
  mutate {
    add_field => "bar" => "%{foo}

4 回答 4


检查字段 foo 是否存在:

1) 对于数字类型字段,请使用:

 if ([foo]) {

2) 对于数字以外的类型,如布尔值,字符串使用:

if ("" in [foo]) {
于 2015-05-18T19:15:07.443 回答


[foo] 是一个字段。

# technically anything that returns 'true', so good for numbers and basic strings:
if [foo] {

# contains a value
if [foo] =~ /.+/ {
于 2015-05-18T19:13:55.827 回答

在 Logstash 2.2.2 上,该("" in [field])构造似乎对我不起作用。

if ![field] { }


于 2016-09-19T18:24:43.067 回答

现在是 2020 年,以上答案都不是完全正确的。自 2014 年以来,我一直在使用 logstash,过滤器中的表达式曾经、现在和将来都会成为一件事......



我认为所有版本的logstash 都支持[@metadata]字段。也就是说,一个对输出插件不可见的字段,只存在于过滤状态。所以这是我必须解决的问题:

filter {

  mutate {
    # we use a "temporal" field with a predefined arbitrary known value that
    # lives only in filtering stage.
    add_field => { "[@metadata][testField_check]" => "unknown arbitrary value" }

    # we copy the field of interest into that temporal field.
    # If the field doesn't exist, copy is not executed.
    copy => { "testField" => "[@metadata][testField_check]" }

  # now we now if testField didn't exists, our field will have 
  # the initial arbitrary value
  if [@metadata][testField_check] == "unknown arbitrary value" {

    # just for debugging purpouses...
    mutate { add_field => { "FIELD_DID_NOT_EXISTED" => true }}

  } else {
    # just for debugging purpouses...
    mutate { add_field => { "FIELD_DID_ALREADY_EXISTED" => true }}

logstash 之前版本 7.0.0 的旧解决方案

在 github 中检查我的问题。

我一直在为logstash中的表达式苦苦挣扎。我的旧解决方案一直有效到版本 7。这是针对布尔字段的,例如:

filter {

  # if the field does not exists, `convert` will create it with "false" string. If
  # the field exists, it will be the boolean value converted into string.
  mutate { convert => {  "field" => "string" } }

  # This condition breaks on logstash > 7 (see my bug report). Before version 7,
  # this condition will be true if a boolean field didn't exists.
  if ![field] {
    mutate { add_field => { "field" => false } }
  # at this stage, we are sure field exists, so make it boolean again
  mutate { convert => { "field" => "boolean" } }
于 2020-06-28T00:27:34.480 回答