对于初学者,我认为伪代码中有一个错误。在第 4 行中,我相信当 i = n 时存在边界错误,因为这会要求 n+1 和 n 之间的随机数。在下文中,我通过假设代码如下来纠正这个问题:
2 n = A.length
3 for i = 1 to n
4 swap A[i] with A[RANDOM(1,n)]
5 swap A[i] with A[RANDOM(i,n)]
如果这是代码,那么我相信答案是否定的,这不会产生均匀随机排列。我没有数学证据证明是这种情况,但我确实有一段 C++ 代码可以强制所有可能的路径通过PERMUTE-WITH-ALL-IDENTITY
并计算每个排列产生的次数。我运行了该代码并测试了长度为 0 到 4(含)序列的排列算法,发现并非所有排列的可能性都相同。
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
/* Maximum size of a sequence to permute. */
const size_t kMaxSize = 4;
* Given a frequencies map associating permutations to the number of times
* that we've seen them, displays a visual report of the permutations
* and their frequencies.
* @param frequencies The frequencies map.
void reportResults(const map<vector<int>, size_t>& frequencies, size_t size) {
cout << "Report for size " << size << endl;
cout << "===================================================" << endl;
/* Print out the map. */
cout << " Map entries:" << endl;
for (const auto& entry: frequencies) {
cout << " ";
for (const auto& num: entry.first) {
cout << num;
cout << ": " << entry.second << endl;
cout << "===================================================" << endl;
cout << endl << endl;
* Traces through all possible executions of the algorithm, recording
* the number of times that each outcome occurs. This algorithm uses
* exhaustive recursion to explore the full space, assuming that the
* underlying random generator is uniform.
* @param elems The elements in the sequence. It's assumed that initially
* these are in sorted order, but as the algorithm progresses it will
* become progressively more permuted.
* @param frequencies A map from permutations to the number of times that
* they appear.
* @param index The index through the main loop that we are currently in.
* This is the variable 'i' in the pseudocode.
* @param size The length of the vector. This isn't strictly necessary,
* but it makes the code a bit cleaner.
void recPopulate(const vector<int>& elems,
map<vector<int>, size_t>& frequencies,
size_t index, size_t size) {
/* If we've finished permuting everything, record in the frequency map
* that we've seen this permutation one more time.
if (index == size) {
} else {
/* For all possible pairs of a first swap and a second swap, try that
* out and see what happens.
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { // First swap index
for (size_t j = index; j < size; j++) { // Second swap index
/* Make a clean copy of the vector to permute. */
vector<int> newElems = elems;
/* Perform the swaps. */
swap(newElems[i], newElems[index]);
swap(newElems[j], newElems[index]);
/* Recursively explore all possible executions of the algorithm
* from this point forward.
recPopulate(newElems, frequencies, index + 1, size);
* Traces through all possible executions of the proposed algorithm,
* building a frequency map associating each permutation with the
* number of possible executions that arrive there.
* @param size The number of elements in the initial sequence.
* @return A frequency map from permutations to the number of times that
* permutation can be generated.
map<vector<int>, size_t> populateFrequencies(size_t size) {
/* Create the sequence 0, 1, 2, ..., size - 1 */
vector<int> elems(size);
iota(elems.begin(), elems.end(), 0);
map<vector<int>, size_t> frequencies;
recPopulate(elems, frequencies, 0, elems.size());
return frequencies;
int main() {
for (size_t size = 0; size <= kMaxSize; size++) {
map<vector<int>, size_t> frequencies = populateFrequencies(size);
reportResults(frequencies, size);
Report for size 4
Map entries:
0123: 214
0132: 268
0213: 267
0231: 316
0312: 242
0321: 229
1023: 268
1032: 322
1203: 312
1230: 349
1302: 287
1320: 262
2013: 242
2031: 283
2103: 233
2130: 262
2301: 252
2310: 240
3012: 213
3021: 208
3102: 204
3120: 187
3201: 248
3210: 236
- 我的代码是正确的,并且
- 我对伪代码的解释是正确的。