The pheromone levels are just a relative measure to describe how favourable any single edge is. In ACO, tour selection is not heuristic, but probabilistic.
Consider some ant, during the construction of any tour, say S, where the ant is just about to leave node i. As next node, the ant will choose node j (i.e., edge e_ij) with probability
p(e_ij|S) = (tau_ij^alpha * nu_ij^beta) /
sum(k in allNotYetVisitedNodes) {
(tau_ik^alpha * nu_ik^beta) }.
Naturally, this expression is unit-less, and any scaling of (all) node distances will not affect these probabilities. The result of the algorithm does not require any specific length unit in the graph defining the nodes; a graph defined in meters will produce a best tour in meters, and one in arbitrary length units le will produce a result in le:s.