是的,以前已经做过一百万次了,但该死的,我还想再做一次。我正在为 C++ 编写一个简单的矩阵库,目的是做。我遇到了一些在数学中相当明显的东西,但对于强类型系统来说并不那么明显——事实上,1x1 矩阵只是一个数字。为了避免这种情况,我开始沿着矩阵的毛茸茸的路径作为向量的组合,但也偶然发现了一个事实,即两个向量相乘可能是一个数字或一个对,这取决于两者的方向。

我的问题是,在 C++ 或 Java 等强类型语言中处理这种情况的正确方法是什么?


3 回答 3


something that's fairly obvious in mathematics, but not so obvious to a strongly typed system -- the fact that a 1x1 matrix is just a number.

That's arguable. A hardcore mathematician (I'm not) would probably argue against it, he would say that a 1x1 matrix can be regarded as isomorphic (or something like that) to a scalar, but they are conceptually different things. Only in some informal sense "a 1x1 matrix is a scalar" (similar, though stronger, that a complex number without an imaginary part "is a real").

I don't think that that correspondence should be reflected in a strong typed language. And I dont' think it is, in typical implementations (of complex or matrix), eg. Java Apache Commons Math. For example, a Complex with zero imaginary part is not a Number (from the type POV - they cannot be casted one into another).

In the case of matrices, the correspondence is even more disputable. Should we be able to multiply two matrices of sizes (4x3) x (1x1) ? If we regard the second as a scalar, it's valid, but not as a matrix, since it violates the restriction on matrix dimensions for multiplication. And I believe Commons sticks to that.

In a weakly typed language (eg Matlab) it would be another story.

于 2010-06-05T12:27:55.627 回答

如果您不担心 SIMD 优化等,那么我认为最好的方法是设置模板化张量。选择您的最大张量维度,然后您可以执行以下操作:

typedef Tensor3D< float, 4, 1, 1 > Vector4;


编辑:知道模板的大小实际上很容易。添加 GetRows() 等函数,您可以在实例化时返回传递给模板的值。


template< typename T, int rows, int cols > class Tensor2D
    int GetRows() { return rows; }
    int GetCols() { return cols; }
于 2010-06-05T08:01:34.853 回答

我的建议?不用担心 1x1 的情况,晚上睡觉。您不必担心突然决定使用您的库将一堆数字建模为 1x1 矩阵并抱怨您的实现的任何用途。





于 2010-06-05T12:56:44.630 回答