
# Source SIMD12 data zone level data
simd.sg.xls <- read.xls(xls = "http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0044/00447385.xls", 
                        sheet = "Quick Lookup", verbose = TRUE)

自然,导入的数据框看起来不太好: 在此处输入图像描述 我想使用以下代码修改列名:

# Clean column names
names(simd.sg.xls) <- make.names(names = as.character(simd.sg.xls[1,]),
                                    unique = TRUE,allow_ = TRUE)


> names(simd.sg.xls)
 [1] "X1"       "X1.1"     "X771"     "X354"     "X229"     "X74"      "X67"      "X33"      "X19"      "X1.2"    
[11] "X6"       "X1.3"     "X8"       "X7"       "X7.1"     "X6506"    "X21"      "X1.4"     "X6158"    "X6506.1" 
[21] "X6506.2"  "X6506.3"  "X6263"    "X6506.4"  "X6468"    "X1010"    "X815"     "X99"      "X58"      "X65"     
[31] "X60"      "X6506.5"  "X21.1"    "X1.5"     "X6173"    "X5842"    "X6506.6"  "X6506.7"  "X6263.1"  "X6506.8" 
[41] "X6481"    "X883"     "X728"     "X112"     "X69"      "X56"      "X54"      "X6506.9"  "X21.2"    "X1.6"    
[51] "X6143"    "X5651"    "X6506.10" "X6506.11" "X6263.2"  "X6506.12" "X6480"    "X777"     "X647"     "X434"    
[61] "X518"     "X246"     "X436"     "X6506.13" "X21.3"    "X1.7"     "X6136"    "X5677"    "X6506.14" "X6506.15"
[71] "X6263.3"  "X6506.16" "X660"     "X567"     "X480"     "X557"     "X261"     "X456"  



1 回答 1


It looks like the problem is that the header is on the second line, not the first. You could include a skip=1 argument but a more general way of dealing with this using read.xls seems to be to use the pattern and header arguments which force the first line which matches the pattern string to be treated as the header. Your code becomes:

# Source SIMD12 data zone level data
simd.sg.xls <- read.xls(xls = "http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0044/00447385.xls", 
                        sheet = "Quick Lookup", verbose = TRUE, 
                        pattern="DATAZONE", header=TRUE)


I don't get the warning messages you do when I execute the code. The messages refer to an issue with locale. The locale settings on my system are:

[1] "LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252;LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.1252"

Yours are probably different. Locale data could be OS dependent. I'm using Windows 8.1. Also I'm using Strawberry Perl; you appear to be using something else. So some possible reasons for the discrepancy in warning messages but nothing more specific.

On the second question in your comment, to read the entire file, and convert a particular row ( in this case, row 2) to column names, you could use the following code:

simd.sg.xls <- read.xls(xls = "http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0044/00447385.xls", 
                        sheet = "Quick Lookup", verbose = TRUE, 
                        header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

   names(simd.sg.xls) <- make.names(names = simd.sg.xls[2,],
                                   unique = TRUE,allow_ = TRUE)
   simd.sg.xls <- simd.sg.xls[-(1:2),]

All data will be of character type so you'll need to convert to factor and numeric as necessary.

于 2015-04-19T13:57:08.423 回答