I am creating a samsung smart Tv javascript application, the HTML page is finished and now its time to integrate remote control options in it.

My application contains tabs/images for different chanells etc which when the user selects through remote, he will be redirected to. Now the the problem is that how this navigation will work?? how the user can go left right or up and down on these channel tabs using the remote control?

In the samsung smart tv documentation they have given info about their keys library but how can i use it in my application to move to different elements?


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您可以将 HTML 组织成不同的导航区域和类型。导航区域具有导航类型,通常是listgrid

JavaScript 导航控制器跟踪您所在的区域。它还处理按键(上/下/左/右/回车),并根据导航类型确定下一个要突出显示的项目。


<div id="maintabs" class="tabs nav-current-zone" data-nav-type="list">
    <span class="tab nav-current-item">Tab 1</span>
    <span class="tab">Tab 2</span>
    <span class="tab">Tab 3</span>

JavaScript 通常看起来像这样:

if($(".nav-current-zone").data("nav-type") === "list"){
    if(key === "down"){
       var currentItem = $(currentZone).find("nav-current-item");
       var nextItem =  $(currentItem).next();
    } else if(key === "up"){


<div id="maintabs" data-nav-type="list" data-nav-leave-down="anotherZone">

<div id="anotherZone" data-nav-type="list" data-nav-leave-up="maintabs">


if(key === "down"){
   var nextItem =  $(currentZone).find("nav-current").next();
   if($(next).size() === 0){
        var nextZone = $(currentZone).data("nav-leave-down");
        //navigate to the other zone
于 2012-06-01T11:14:00.157 回答