我在研究中经常使用遗传算法,并且遇到了一个有趣的问题,即如何最好地在基因组上执行遗传操作。假设您有一个由 f(x,y) = a x^n + b x^n-1 + ... + c y^m + d y^m-1 ... 等定义的函数。它只是一个多变量计算起来有些昂贵的函数,因此您正在尝试尽可能高效地进行遗传操作。
这是 Matlab 中矢量化锦标赛选择的代码(用于变量名称的上下文)
%% Tournament Selection
T = round(rand(2*popSize,S)*(popSize-1)+1); % Tournaments
[~,idx] = max(F(T),[],2); % Index of Winners
W = T(sub2ind(size(T),(1:2*popSize)',idx)); % Winners
因此,您有 2 个不同的变量正在优化,我的问题是您是否要拆分遗传操作,以便将交叉分别应用于每个变量,然后将数组重新连接在一起,这对于 2 点来说看起来像这样交叉:
%% 2 Point Crossover
Pop2 = Pop(W(1:2:end),:); % Set Pop2 = Pop Winners 1
P2A = Pop(W(2:2:end),:); % Assemble Pop2 Winners 2
% Split Pop2 for x and y genomes
xPop2 = Pop2(:,1:genome/2);
yPop2 = Pop2(:,genome/2 + 1:end);
% Split P2A for x and y genomes
xP2A = P2A(:,1:genome/2);
yP2A = P2A(:,genome/2+2:end);
% For x genome
Ref = ones(popSize,1)*(1:genome/2); % Reference Matrix
CP = sort(round(rand(popSize,2)*(genome/2-1)+1),2); % Crossover Points
xidx = CP(:,1)*ones(1,genome/2)<Ref & CP(:,2)*ones(1,genome/2)>Ref; % Logical Index
xPop2(xidx) = xP2A(xidx); % Recombine Winners
% For y genome
Ref = ones(popSize,1)*(1:genome/2); % Reference Matrix
CP = sort(round(rand(popSize,2)*(genome/2-1)+1),2); % Crossover Points
yidx = CP(:,1)*ones(1,genome/2)<Ref & CP(:,2)*ones(1,genome/2)>Ref; % Logical Index
yPop2(yidx) = yP2A(yidx); % Recombine Winners
Pop2 = horzcat(xPop2,yPop2);
P2A = horzcat(xP2A,yP2A);
或者您是否将基因组视为单个交叉操作,并且只执行 2 点交叉,就好像它只是一个像这样的单个变量基因组:
Pop2 = Pop(W(1:2:end),:); % New Pop is Winners of old Pop
P2A = Pop(W(2:2:end),:); % Assemble Pop2 Winners 2
Ref = ones(popSize,1)*(1:genome); % Ones Matrix
CP = sort(round(rand(popSize,2)*(genome-1)+1),2); % Crossover Points
idx = CP(:,1)*ones(1,genome)<Ref&CP(:,2)*ones(1,genome)>Ref; % Index
Pop2(idx)=P2A(idx); % Recombine Winners