我已经成功使用 DotSpatial.Contains 函数来测试我的每个点(180 万)是否位于我的 shapefile 中。但是,该算法非常慢,因为我正在测试大量点和非常复杂的多边形。这是一个例子: http: //picload.org/image/igararl/pointshapesel.png
为了对空间纬度/经度坐标进行更快的多边形点测试,我遇到了光线投射算法: http ://alienryderflex.com/polygon/
我将代码翻译成 VB.Net,它运行没有错误,但它没有找到任何点/shapefile 的交集。我知道纬度/经度坐标的困难 - 但在德国地区,纬度/经度坐标与标准笛卡尔坐标系相匹配。
Public polyCorners As Integer
Public polyX() As Double
Public polyY() As Double
Public xP, yP As Double
Public constant() As Double
Public multiple() As Double
然后我将我的 Shapefile 顶点添加到 polyCorners 列表中(这有效):
Dim ShapefilePoly As Shapefile = Shapefile.OpenFile(TextBox4.Text)
Dim x As Long = 1
For Each MyShapeRange As ShapeRange In ShapefilePoly.ShapeIndices
For Each MyPartRange As PartRange In MyShapeRange.Parts
For Each MyVertex As Vertex In MyPartRange
If MyVertex.X > 0 AndAlso MyVertex.Y > 0 Then
pointsShape.Add(New PointLatLng(MyVertex.Y, MyVertex.X))
ReDim Preserve polyY(x)
ReDim Preserve polyX(x)
polyY(x) = MyVertex.Y
polyX(x) = MyVertex.X
x = x + 1
End If
ReDim constant(x)
ReDim multiple(x)
在实际搜索之前,我按照作者的建议调用 precalc_values() :
Private Sub precalc_values()
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer = polyCorners - 1
For i = 0 To polyCorners - 1
If polyY(j) = polyY(i) Then
constant(i) = polyX(i)
multiple(i) = 0
constant(i) = polyX(i) - (polyY(i) * polyX(j)) / (polyY(j) - polyY(i)) + (polyY(i) * polyX(i)) / (polyY(j) - polyY(i))
multiple(i) = (polyX(j) - polyX(i)) / (polyY(j) - polyY(i))
End If
j = i
End Sub
最后,我为每个 lat/lng 点调用 pointInPolygon():
Function LiesWithin(latP As Double, lngP As Double) As Boolean
LiesWithin = False
xP = lngP
yP = latP
If pointInPolygon() = True Then LiesWithin = True
End Function
Private Function pointInPolygon() As Boolean
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer = polyCorners - 1
Dim oddNodes As Boolean = False
For i = 0 To polyCorners - 1
If (polyY(i) < yP AndAlso polyY(j) >= yP OrElse polyY(j) < yP AndAlso polyY(i) >= yP) Then
oddNodes = oddNodes Xor (yP * multiple(i) + constant(i) < xP)
End If
j = i
Return oddNodes
End Function
所有变量似乎都正确填充,数组包含我的多边形角,并且从第一个点到最后一个点准确检查点列表。它在 20 秒内运行了 180 万个点的完整列表(相比之下,使用 DotSpatial.Contains 函数需要 1 小时 30 分钟)。任何人都知道为什么它没有找到任何相交点?