from typing import TypeVar
from gmpy2 import mpz, mpq, powmod as gmpy2_powmod, is_signed as gmpy2_is_signed
__all__ = ['PiSlice']
Integer = TypeVar('Integer', int, mpz)
class PiSlice:
"BBP digit-extraction algorithm for π"
version = '1.0.0'
def __spigot(self, p: Integer, a: Integer, accuracy: mpq) -> mpq:
def search_junction(p: Integer, a: Integer) -> Integer:
n = mpz(0)
divisor = 8 * p + a
while 16 ** n < divisor:
n += 1
divisor -= 8
return p - (n - 1)
p = mpz(p)
junction = search_junction(p, a)
s = 0
divisor = a
for k in range(junction):
s += mpq(gmpy2_powmod(16, p - k, divisor), divisor)
divisor += 8
for n in range(mpz(p - junction), -1, -1):
if (intermediate := mpq(16 ** n, divisor)) >= accuracy:
s += intermediate
divisor += 8
return s
n = mpz(1)
while (intermediate := mpq(mpq(1, 16 ** n), divisor)) >= accuracy:
s += intermediate
n += 1
divisor += 8
return s
def __init__(self, p: Integer):
self.p = p
def raw(self, m: Integer) -> Integer:
m: Integer
Sets the number of slices to return.
random_raw: Integer
Returns a hexadecimal slice of Pi.
p = self.p
spigot = self.__spigot
accuracy = mpq(1, 2 ** (mpz(m + 64) * 4)) #64 is the margin of accuracy.
sum_spigot = 4 * spigot(p, 1, accuracy) - 2 * spigot(p, 4, accuracy) - spigot(p, 5, accuracy) - spigot(p, 6, accuracy)
proper_fraction_of_sum_spigot = mpq(sum_spigot.numerator % sum_spigot.denominator, sum_spigot.denominator)
if gmpy2_is_signed(proper_fraction_of_sum_spigot):
proper_fraction_of_sum_spigot += 1
return mpz(mpz(16) ** m * proper_fraction_of_sum_spigot)