我正在尝试使用 Three20 中的 TTMessageController 通过自定义 Web 服务发送消息。我不清楚如何合并用户通讯录中的联系人。我在示例应用程序中看到了模型模拟通讯录,但示例仅包含名称。有没有办法将 TTMessageController 的数据源设置为通讯录?
我正在尝试使用 Three20 中的 TTMessageController 通过自定义 Web 服务发送消息。我不清楚如何合并用户通讯录中的联系人。我在示例应用程序中看到了模型模拟通讯录,但示例仅包含名称。有没有办法将 TTMessageController 的数据源设置为通讯录?
You should use MFMailComposeViewController. TTMessageController was created before iOS 3, when in-app emailing functionality didn't exist in Apple's SDK. MFMailComposeViewController does pretty much anything most developers would want it to do and it automatically uses the device's contacts, so you won't have to go through the trouble of setting up the model yourself.
Using TTMessageController would be a good solution if you needed to customize the presentation of the fields or customize the delivery of the message.
iOS Documentation (Sending a Mail Message): http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/SystemMessaging_TopicsForIOS/Articles/SendingaMailMessage.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40010415-SW1