

6 回答 6



这是一个问题,因为任何更改都必须通过复杂的程序来批准,并在所有阶段产生涟漪效应。但历史的教训是:变化发生了。在我们开始编码时,需求总是不完整的,或者指定错误的或者只是过时的。设计和构建通常基于系统到达 UAT 时无效的假设进行。这会导致疯狂的返工和滑点。

事实上,没有多少客户擅长设想一个工作软件系统所需的抽象思维。太多的 IT 专业人员缺乏理解业务逻辑所需的经验。瀑布拒绝接受这些事实。


最初是 RADDSDM。然后XP打上横幅。现在有敏捷和相关的东西,比如Scrum看板




在外包方面,瀑布模型提供了一个简单的框架,可以将可交付成果与分阶段付款相匹配。事实上,合同方面可能比这更强大:在欧盟,所有价值 1 亿欧元或以上的项目都强制要求使用瀑布。




于 2010-05-15T07:13:21.713 回答

The waterfall model was documented in 1970 by a Dr Winston Royce in a paper titled 'Managing the development of large Software Systems'. Basically outlining his ideas on sequential development. His idea was that software could be produced in a similar fashion to an automobile, where the vehicle is pieced together in sequential/linear phases.

This linear approach doesn't really allow for changes in a piece of software once it begins. There is no tight relationship with the end user/client so its harder to outline possible problem areas.

Its worth noting some phases of the waterfall model allow for 'splashback' whereby there is enough time in the development period to go back and make small changes. Time constraints and the amount of work involved and budgets don't really allow for much change if any to be made using this model.

The waterfall model is old, as time goes by software paradigms themselves change. Object Oriented programming is popular, back then it was barely alive. Through the use of the waterfall model its obvious that the flaws have been spotted and this has lead to the alternative development methodologies.

Ok, so now for alternatives. Incremental model is described by Alistair Cockburn(2008) as a staging and scheduling strategy in which various parts are developed at different times or rates and integrated upon completion of that specific part.

Basically incremental looks a lot like this:


Number of benefits include lifecycle being flexible and allowing for change from the get go. Working software or rather parts are generated quickly and early on. Code produced is earlier to test and manage due to the small iterations of progress. Not all of the requirements of the system are gathered up front, just an outline. This allows for a quick start, however it might be a disadvantage in some systems as things like the system architecture being supported might be missed.

Iterative on the other hand allows parts of the system to be reworked and revised to improve the system. Time is set aside to allow for this. Iterative does not start with a full specification of requirements. Development is done by specifying and implementing just part of the software. Software is reviewed in order to identify further requirements.This is more of a top down approach. Disadvantages with this methodology are making sure all the iterations are compatible. As each new iteration is approved, developers may employ a technique known as backwards engineering, which is a systematic review and check procedure to make sure each new iteration is compatible with previous ones.A major benefit with the constant iterations is that the client is kept in the loop and the final product should meet the requirements.

Iterative approach diagram.

Other methodologies include Prototyping. Evolutionary and Throwaway. These are also deemed as more of a top down approach. Both process are borrowed from engineering.In engineering it is common to construct scale models of objects to be built. Building models allows the engineer to test certain aspects of the design. The software development prototyping methodology provides the same ideology. Prototyping is not seen as a standalone, complete development methodology but rather an approach to handling selected portions of a larger, more traditional development methodology.

Throwaway Prototyping - Throwaway prototyping does not preserve the prototype that has been developed. In throwaway prototyping there is never any intention to convert the prototype into a working system. Instead the prototype is developed quickly to demonstrate some aspect of a system design that is unclear. It can also be developed to help users or clients decide between different features or interface characteristics. Once any problems or uncertainty has been addressed the prototype can be ‘thrown away’ and the principles learned used in the design and documentation of the actual product.

Evolutionary Prototyping - In Evolutionary prototyping you begin by modeling parts of the target system and if the prototyping process is successful you evolve the rest of the system from those parts. One key aspect of this approach is that the prototype becomes the actual production system. This process allows for difficult parts of the system to be modeled successfully in prototypes and dealt with early on in a project.

Other areas to look into will include Agile-> SCRUM, Extreme programming, Paired programming etc.

Tried to keep it short but people write books on this sort of stuff and there is so much to discuss.

Might be worth having a look at: Incremental and Iterative

于 2010-05-15T12:59:47.290 回答



于 2010-11-24T14:09:08.073 回答


  • 让编码人员专注于自动化流程本身。自动化一个步骤和另一个步骤之间的转换,以便更改或多或少地自动流动。
  • 使流程更具双向性。瀑布模型的一个主要特征是变化从上到下流动。这是一个单向的过程,这是问题的一部分。


于 2014-09-06T14:23:51.473 回答

看板和 Scrum 是 Waterfall 最常用的两种替代方案。我试图对不同的SDLC 方法进行很好的概述和比较。

正如 APC 所提到的,瀑布严重依赖于大规模的整体阶段。这是一个巨大的弱点,因为试图从一开始就确定最终产品是徒劳的。


Scrum 非常适合向团队施加压力并获得门票所有权。我发现大多数地方都在使用这个,但它的缺点是有些人过分地为所有事情开会。Sprint 计划会议、Sprint 启动会议、持续 1 小时、有 20 多人在场的每日站立会议、演示会议,最后是事后分析。


于 2017-02-13T20:31:48.890 回答




于 2010-05-15T07:11:20.260 回答