I want to implement a semantic search system in Java. Sesame will be embedded into my system to store and manipulate rdf data directly, and I want to use Tomcat, JSP and Servlet. But I also need to do natural language processing, which I know Python is really good at. So it there any way that I can merge Python code in my Java web codes? Or is there any good tools dealing with NLP in java? I think I'm a little confused since I know little about NLP area.

Thanks in advance!


2 回答 2


Apace Lucene 是最好的http://lucene.apache.org/core/ - 也可以像Solr一样阅读它的扩展

于 2013-09-07T11:37:06.830 回答

NLP 也可以用 java 完成..这里是链接


而且,如果您想为 NLP 使用 python,那么您可以使用NLTK

于 2013-09-30T05:11:33.493 回答