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scrum - Scrum - How to get better input from the functional/commercial team

We are a small team of 3 developers (2 experienced but new to this particular business sector) developing a functionally complex product. We're using Scrum and have a demo at the end of each sprint. Its clear that the functional team have plenty of ideas but these are not well communicated to the development team and the demo poses more questions than answers.

Have you any recommendations for improving the the quality of input from the functional people?

Further info: I think part of the problem is that there are no specs or User Stories as such. Personally I think they need to be writing down some sort of requirements - what sort of things should they be writing down and to what complexity given its an agile process?

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process - 如何做轻量级 CMMI?

在我的组织中,人们认为轻量级 CMMI 是一个神话,尽管有相反的证据。您对轻量级 CMMI 有何经验?你做过吗?它对你有用吗?

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project-management - 冲刺速度计算

需要一些关于制定 sprint 的团队速度的建议。

我们的团队通常由大约 4 名开发人员和 2 名测试人员组成。Scrum master 坚持每个团队成员都应该对速度计算做出同样的贡献,也就是说,在计算我们在 sprint 中可以做多少时,我们不应该区分开发人员和测试人员。根据 Scrum,这是正确的,但问题就在这里。

尽管有相反的建议,但测试人员从不帮助非测试任务,开发人员从不帮助非开发任务,所以我们根本不是跨职能的团队成员。此外,尽管有各种建议,但测试人员通常会在每个 sprint 的前几天等待要测试的东西。

最终结果是,通常我们承担的开发工作比我们在 sprint 中的实际能力要多得多。例如,开发人员可能会为速度计算贡献 20 天,而测试人员可能会贡献 10 天。但是,如果您在 sprint 计划之后将任务加起来,则开发任务加起来最多 25 天,测试任务加起来最多 5 天。


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methodology - 自行开发





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methodology - How to deal with poorly informed customer choices

Here's a scenario I'm sure you're all familiar with.

  1. You have a fairly "hands off" customer, who really doesn't want to get too involved in the decision making despite your best efforts.

  2. An experienced development team spend hours discussing the pros and cons of a particular approach to a problem and come up with an elegant solution which avoids the pitfalls of the more obvious approaches.

  3. The customer casually mentions after a quick glance that they want it changed. They have no understanding of all the usability / consistency issues you were trying to avoid in your very carefully thought out approach.

  4. Despite explanations, customer isn't interested, they just want it changed.

  5. You sigh and do what they ask, knowing full well what will happen next...

  6. 3 weeks later, customer says it isn't working well this way, could you change it? You suggest again your original solution, and they seize on it with enthusiasm. They invariably seem to have had a form of selective amnesia and blocked out their role in messing this up in the first place.

I'm sure many of you have gone through this. The thing which gets me is always when we know the time and effort that reasonably bright and able people have put in to really understanding the problem and trying to come up with a good solution. The frustration comes in contrasting this with the knowledge that the customer's choice is made in 3 minutes in a casual glance (or worse, by their managers who often don't even know what the project is really about). The icing on the cake is that it's usually made very late in the day.

I know that the agile methodologies are designed to solve exactly this kind of problem, but it requires a level of customer buy in that certain types of customers (people spending other peoples money usually) are just not willing to give.

Anyone any clever insight into how you deal with this?

EDIT: Oops - by the way, I'm not talking about any current or recent customer in this. It's purely hypothetical...

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methodology - 质量与投资回报率 - 什么时候足够好,足够好?

更新:我是从开发的角度问这个问题,但是为了说明,我想到的一个典型的非开发示例是,如果保持 99% 的正常运行时间率需要花费 10,000 美元,那么理论上可以花费 100,000 美元保持 99.9% 的利率,可能需要 1,000,000 美元来保持 99.99% 的利率。

有点像微积分接近 0,当我们接近 100% 时,成本会成倍增加。因此,作为开发人员或 PM,在时间和金钱限制的情况下,您如何确定可交付成果“足够好”,例如:您是否获得了 99%、99.9%、99.99% 的良好投资回报率?



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architecture - 你如何避免技术债务,同时仍然忠于敏捷,即:避免违反 YAGNI 和避免 BDUF?

通过 Martin FowlerSteve McConnell的技术债务




“作为一名敏捷实践者,您如何在每次迭代中在“快速和肮脏”(在尝试遵守 YAGNI 时无意冒着技术债务风险)和过度工程(BDUF)之间找到适当的平衡?

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methodology - 方法论和生命周期的真实示例


我发现大多数项目都需要一定程度的进化,而且每个项目都与其他项目不同。这样,极限编程适用于拥有 15 名员工的给定公司的项目,但不适用于 100 名员工的公司,或者不适用于给定的项目类型(例如实时应用程序、科学应用程序等) .

我想要一份经验清单,主要说明项目类型、项目规模(参与项目的人数)、项目时间(实际的或计划的)、项目生命周期和方法以及项目是成功还是失败. 任何其他数据将不胜感激,我认为如果有足够的数据,我们可能会找到一些模式。当然,欢迎评论。

  • PS:非常大,PT:非常长,LC:增量-CMMI,PR:成功
  • PS:非常大,PT:很长,LC:瀑布-CMMI,PR:成功


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eclipse-plugin - 如何让我的学科出现在已发布的站点中(在 EPF Composer 1.5 中)?

我的方法插件中有一个自定义类别(“学科”),我想用它来包含现有学科(来自 Scrum 插件和 EPF OpenUP 库)以及我自己的一些学科(一些是新的,其他的扩展了OpenUP 的)。我可以简单地添加它们,根据需要对它们进行排序,然后在“浏览透视和预览”选项卡中查看它们。


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php - PHP中真的有必要“不直接加载此页面”吗?

我本来想问最好的方法是什么,但后来决定我应该问是否有必要。我从未见过它在JSP开发中完成,但它似乎是PHP. 这背后的原因是什么,如果我不防范这种情况,我还应该考虑什么?