我有一个任务,旨在从黑白图像中提取最大的对象,其中黑色是背景。我使用的是 2-pass 算法,这里有一个解释它是如何工作的链接: http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Connected-component_labeling#Two-pass



  1. 如何使用等价表“重新标记第二遍中的像素?如何编写第二遍的代码?


Image Image::MaxCC()
    Image obj;
    obj.height = height;
    obj.width = width;
    short ** original = image;
    short ** output = new short*[height];

    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
        output[i] = new short[width];
    obj.imageHeader = imageHeader;
    obj.image = output;

    //label array
    struct label
        int lab;
        int counter;

    label L[][]; //I want to use the dimensions of the input image which is obj.height and obj.width


    for (int i = 0; i <= obj.height; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j <= obj.width; j++)
            L[i][j].lab = 0;
            L[i][j].counter = 0;
     int N = 0;
     int count = 0;

     //equivlance tabel 
     int eq[100][2];
     int row = 1;
     int x = 1;
     int s;

// conditions [FIRST ITERATION]
    for (int c = 0; c < obj.width; c++)
        for (int r = 0; r < obj.height; r++)
            // If the pixel is balck , add no label
            if (image[r][c] == 0)
                obj.image[r][c] = 0;

            //Do the pixel's North and West neighbors have different pixel values than current pixel?
            else if (image[r - 1][c] == 0 && image[r][c - 1] == 0)
                L[r][c].lab = N++;
                L[r][c].counter = count++;
                obj.image[r][c] = L[r][c].lab;


            //Does the pixel to the left (West) have the same value as the current pixel?
            else if (image[r][c - 1] == image[r][c])
                L[r][c - 1].counter = count++;
                obj.image[r][c] = L[r][c - 1].lab;


            //Does the pixel to the left (West) have a different value and the one to the North the same value as the current pixel?
            else if (image[r - 1][c] == image[r][c] && image[r][c - 1] != image[r][c])
                L[r - 1][c].counter = count++;
                obj.image[r][c] = L[r - 1][c].lab;

            //Do both pixels to the North and West have the same value as the current pixel but not the same label?
            else if (image[r - 1][c] == image[r][c] && image[r][c - 1] == image[r][c] && L[r - 1][c].lab != L[r][c - 1].lab)
                obj.image[r][c] = L[r - 1][c].lab;
                eq[row][1] = x;
                if (L[r - 1][c].counter << L[r][c - 1].counter)
                    L[r - 1][c].counter = count++; 
                    s = L[r - 1][c].lab;

                    L[r][c - 1].counter = count++;
                    s = L[r][c - 1].lab;
                    eq[row][2] = s;  //..
                    x++; row++;



        //Iteration to get the maximum counter
        label max;
        int temp;

        for (int c = 0; c < obj.width; c++)
            for (int r = 0; r < obj.height; c++)
                temp = L[r][c].counter;
                if (temp > max.counter)
                    max.counter = temp;
            //iteratio to extract the bigger object
            for (int c = 0; c < obj.width; c++)
                for (int r = 0; r < obj.height; c++)
                    if (max.lab == L[r][c].lab)
                        obj.image[r][c] = 255;
                        obj.image[r][c] = 0;


    return obj;


2 回答 2


我还为两遍算法编写了 python 代码,并查找是否有任何与您的需要相关的内容。

from PIL import Image, ImageOps
%pylab inline

import sys
import random
import numpy

def colourize(img):
    height, width = img.shape

    colors = []
    color = 1
    # Displaying distinct components with distinct colors
    coloured_img = Image.new("RGB", (width, height))
    coloured_data = coloured_img.load()

    for i in range(len(img)):
        for j in range(len(img[0])):
            if img[i][j] > 0:
                if img[i][j] not in colors[0]:
                    colors[1].append((random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255)))

                ind = colors[0].index(img[i][j])
                coloured_data[j, i] = colors[1][ind]

    return coloured_img

def binarize(img_array, threshold=130):
    for i in range(len(img_array)):
        for j in range(len(img_array[0])):
            if img_array[i][j] > threshold:
                img_array[i][j] = 0
                img_array[i][j] = 1
    return img_array

def ccl4(img_array):
    ##### first pass #####
    print ("starting first pass")
    curr_label = 1;
    img_array = numpy.array(img_array)
    labels = numpy.array(img_array)

    # storing label conversions
    label_conv = []

    count = 0
    for i in range(1, len(img_array)):
        for j in range(1, len(img_array[0])):

            if img_array[i][j] > 0:
                label_x = labels[i][j - 1]
                label_y = labels[i - 1][j]

                if label_x > 0:
                    # both x and y have a label
                    if label_y > 0:

                        if not label_x == label_y:
                            labels[i][j] = min(label_x, label_y)
                            if max(label_x, label_y) not in label_conv[0]:
                                label_conv[0].append(max(label_x, label_y))
                                label_conv[1].append(min(label_x, label_y))
                            elif max(label_x, label_y) in label_conv[0]:
                                ind = label_conv[0].index(max(label_x, label_y))
                                if label_conv[1][ind] > min(label_x, label_y):
                                    l = label_conv[1][ind]
                                    label_conv[1][ind] = min(label_x, label_y)
                                    while l in label_conv[0] and count < 100:
                                        count += 1
                                        ind = label_conv[0].index(l)
                                        l = label_conv[1][ind]
                                        label_conv[1][ind] = min(label_x, label_y)

                                    label_conv[1].append(min(label_x, label_y))

                            labels[i][j] = label_y
                    # only x has a label
                        labels[i][j] = label_x

                # only y has a label
                elif label_y > 0:
                    labels[i][j] = label_y

                # neither x nor y has a label
                    labels[i][j] = curr_label
                    curr_label += 1

                    ##### second pass #####
    print ("starting second pass")
    count = 1
    for idx, val in enumerate(label_conv[0]):

        if label_conv[1][idx] in label_conv[0] and count < 100:
            count += 1
            ind = label_conv[0].index(label_conv[1][idx])
            label_conv[1][idx] = label_conv[1][ind]

    for i in range(1, len(labels)):
        for j in range(1, len(labels[0])):

            if labels[i][j] in label_conv[0]:
                ind = label_conv[0].index(labels[i][j])
                labels[i][j] = label_conv[1][ind]

    return labels

def main():
    # Open the image
    img = Image.open("./image1.png")

    # Threshold the image
    img = img.convert('L')
    img = ImageOps.expand(img, border=1, fill='white')
    img = numpy.array(img)
    img = binarize(img)


    img = ccl4(img)

    # Colour the image using labels
    coloured_img = colourize(img)

    # Show the coloured image

if __name__ == "__main__": main()
于 2021-03-03T22:08:47.430 回答




label L[][]; //I want to use the dimensions of the input image which is obj.height and obj.width


label ** L = new label*[height];
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
   L[i] = new label[width];




  1. 如何使用等价表“重新标记第二遍中的像素?如何编写第二遍的代码?

据我了解,该算法的工作原理是这样的:在第一遍中,它用一个值标记每个前景像素,但是,可能会发生部分 blob 最终包含不同的标签。在第二遍中,我们希望实现属于一个 blob 的每个像素都被标记为相同的值。


考虑链接的 Wikipedia 文章中的示例。(尤其是第 2 步之后的表格。)在这里,如果您在第二遍中遍历图像,并找到例如值为 5 的标签,那么使用等价表,您将能够发现,它相当于标签 3(因此将所有标记为 5 的像素更改为 3)。

于 2015-01-31T18:40:01.737 回答