I'd installed the OpenStack by devStack successfully(installed in VirtualBox Ubuntu 12.04). After that , I can connect to the dashboard by the Chrome browser.

But the first warning jumped out 'Error: Unable to retrieve usage information' after I logged in.

Then I press 'Project' and it showed 'Error: Unable to retrieve usage information.'

I found that no matter what I pressed, it always get the messages to inform me that it can't retrieve anything.

And when I press 'image', a page show up with title: CommunicationError at /project/images/ Error finding address for ('Connection aborted.', error(111, 'Connection refused'))

Not sure what's wrong with it. Any help?


1 回答 1


你有机会重新启动机器吗?devstack 不会从重新启动中恢复。您必须再次运行 stack.sh。这有点令人困惑,因为 openstack web 仪表板确实加载了,但所有其他服务都没有,所以你会得到各种各样的错误。

通常,您可以再次运行 stack.sh。(尽管您将丢失任何以前配置的云资源)

于 2015-02-02T08:35:19.727 回答