如果在实施方面更有经验的人能帮助我发现我当前代码中的逻辑缺陷,我将不胜感激。在过去的几个小时里,我一直坚持为以下 RK4 函数执行和测试各种步长来解决Lotka-Volterra 微分方程


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

def model(state,t):
    A function that creates an 1x2-array containing the Lotka Volterra Differential equation

    Parameter assignement/convention:
    a   natural growth rate of the preys
    b   chance of being eaten by a predator
    c   dying rate of the predators per week
    d   chance of catching a prey 

    x,y = state     # will corresponding to initial conditions  
                    # consider it as a vector too 

    a = 0.08
    b = 0.002
    c = 0.2
    d = 0.0004

    return np.array([ x*(a-b*y) , -y*(c - d*x) ]) # corresponds to [dx/dt, dy/dt]

def rk4( f, x0, t):
    4th order Runge-Kutta method implementation to solve x' = f(x,t) with x(t[0]) = x0.

        f     - function of x and t equal to dx/dt. 

        x0    - the initial condition(s).  
                Specifies the value of x @ t = t[0] (initial).  
                Can be a scalar or a vector (NumPy Array)

                Example: [x0, y0] = [500, 20]

        t     - a time vector (array) at which the values of the solution are computed at.
                t[0] is considered as the initial time point 
                the step size h is dependent on the time vector, choosing more points will 
                result in a smaller step size. 

        x     - An array containing the solution evaluated at each point in the t array.


    n = len( t )
    x = np.array( [ x0 ] * n )      # creating an array of length n 

    for i in xrange( n - 1 ):
        h = t[i+1]- t[i]            # step size, dependent on time vector

        # starting below - the implementation of the RK4 algorithm:
        # for further informations visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runge-Kutta_methods

        # k1 is the increment based on the slope at the beginning of the interval (same as Euler)
        # k2 is the increment based on the slope at the midpoint of the interval 
        # k3 is AGAIN the increment based on the slope at the midpoint 
        # k4 is the increment based on the slope at the end of the interval

        k1 = f( x[i], t[i] )
        k2 = f( x[i] + 0.5 * h * k1, t[i] + 0.5 * h ) 
        k3 = f( x[i] + 0.5 * h * k2, t[i] + 0.5 * h )  
        k4 = f( x[i] + h * k3, t[i] + h  )

        # finally computing the weighted average and storing it in the x-array
        t[i+1] = t[i] + h
        x[i+1] = x[i] + h * ( ( k1 + 2.0 * ( k2 + k3 ) + k4 ) / 6.0 )

    return x

# just the graphical output

# initial conditions for the system

x0 = 500
y0 = 20

# vector of times
t = np.linspace( 0, 200, 150 )

result = rk4( model,[x0,y0], t )


plt.ylabel('Population Size')
plt.legend(('x (prey)','y (predator)'))
plt.title('Lotka-Volterra Model')




这是所需的输出,可以通过使用 Scipys 集成模块之一轻松获得。请注意,在时间间隔 [0,50] 上,模拟似乎是正确的,然后每一步都会变得更糟。



1 回答 1




x0 = 500
y0 = 20


x0 = 500.
y0 = 20.


x = np.array( [ x0 ] * n, dtype=np.float)


于 2015-01-06T14:29:56.967 回答