Month1 Month2 Month3 Month4 Month5 Month6 Month7 Month8 Month9 Month10 Month11 Month12 Month13 Month14 Month15 Type Subject
2.5617749 2.3900798 2.4261968 3.2463769 2.8622897 2.9429682 3.3301257 2.5712439 2.1379820 2.1297074 1.8171952 1.3065964 0.6729969 0.2342636 0.2643012 Filing 1 Tools of the Trade
2.6787155 3.3005452 3.2765383 3.2594204 3.1994482 2.9489934 3.0170951 2.9648050 2.5933965 2.7525476 2.6949229 2.7816262 2.6125091 2.7238804 2.4219048 Filing 1 Who's at the Door?
1.3769416 1.7417689 1.5411681 1.6315268 1.4034428 2.0020882 1.5563825 1.1329947 1.1466544 1.4037866 1.2279484 1.0863116 1.1081301 0.9657535 0.9496937 ProcessServing 1 Adobe Acrobat
1.5634082 1.9899706 1.8965844 2.0455116 2.0640787 1.8585767 1.4652345 1.5646704 0.9417121 1.5804423 1.3644140 0.8991399 0.8865172 1.4111854 1.1476721 ProcessServing 1 EService
这只是样本数据,我总共有 4Type
和 7Subject
structure(list(Month1 = c(2.32452852540217, 2.39838024319443,
1.38763119669326, 1.67197010492586, 2.39230240910008, 2.56177491674571
), Month2 = c(2.25983235807464, 2.80008703157276, 1.92684823894878,
1.81781945992201, 3.11274605464608, 2.39007978845121), Month3 = c(2.45378041585838,
2.73603115114115, 2.15154625461568, 2.28897180500678, 3.2072070366587,
2.42619683055328), Month4 = c(2.50950054817085, 2.89118356394795,
2.19502538520019, 2.28141567102663, 3.0504767706406, 3.24637686954766
), Month5 = c(2.53858195315855, 2.5939498734771, 2.35786859462019,
2.24828684346212, 3.02313315871281, 2.86228969522596), Month6 = c(2.20551945443653,
2.11372073519497, 2.24466703665554, 2.17193033864937, 2.70377966653074,
2.94296818999896), Month7 = c(2.09246043688626, 2.50841794197685,
2.30673064217475, 1.91220323933604, 2.7369954829105, 3.33012570803583
), Month8 = c(2.22553189078165, 2.44113695766249, 2.26140266497664,
1.764621178248, 2.62183982786095, 2.57124386952199), Month9 = c(1.99424045532198,
1.9091795918852, 2.20375474567921, 1.75651288161892, 2.40383936923673,
2.13798204834703), Month10 = c(2.15229842709522, 2.52246522784505,
2.01002146553544, 1.74130180371386, 2.53194432666157, 2.12970742947938
), Month11 = c(2.26866642573734, 2.21939880654197, 1.96811894944027,
1.54314755700399, 2.81563101112808, 1.81719515748861), Month12 = c(2.21540768941806,
2.09996453939828, 2.14269489036386, 1.69009446249139, 2.52435113546707,
1.30659644388318), Month13 = c(2.01407795696169, 2.19110438349199,
2.08594091270487, 1.66310710284536, 2.30479375587374, 0.672996949673077
), Month14 = c(1.85702016208139, 2.18375170870693, 2.28394628775105,
1.64612604028705, 2.51616863736761, 0.234263615828042), Month15 = c(1.7562791061015,
2.38349140169948, 1.96156382849473, 1.78529825283472, 2.36734279344632,
0.264301216598792), Type = structure(c(2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L
), .Label = c("eServices 1", "Filing 1", "ProcessServing 1",
"Research 1"), class = "factor"), Subject = c("Adobe Acrobat",
"EService", "OCeFiling", "SD eFiling", "Saving Trees & Time",
"Tools of the Trade")), .Names = c("Month1", "Month2", "Month3",
"Month4", "Month5", "Month6", "Month7", "Month8", "Month9", "Month10",
"Month11", "Month12", "Month13", "Month14", "Month15", "Type",
"Subject"), row.names = c(NA, 6L), class = "data.frame")
q <- ggparcoord(data = avgRevenueBySubject,
columns = 1:15,
groupColumn = 17,
showPoints = FALSE,
alphaLines = 0.3,
shadeBox = NULL,
scale = "globalminmax",
title = "Average Revenue by Training Subject"
) +
geom_vline(aes(xintercept=3.5),color='blue',linetype="dashed", size=1) +
facet_wrap(~Subject,scales='fixed', nrow = 4) + geom_line(size=1)
q <- q + theme_minimal() + xlab('Months') + ylab('Average Revenue (on log scale)') +
theme(legend.position = "none") + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(hjust=0, angle=0),
axis.text.x = element_text(hjust=1, angle=45),
plot.title = element_text(size=20))
我想在每个单独的图上看到 4 条线的不同颜色,并且这些线的颜色在各个facet