我正在使用 Unityscript 在 Unity 中制作赛车游戏,并使用乐高头脑风暴 EV3 机器人进行驾驶。我让机器人通过蓝牙向游戏发送信息,但我找不到如何做到这一点。我已经有了运行和使用 C# 的蓝牙的代码,但我知道我需要知道如何将其转换为 unityscript。我已经尝试在谷歌上找到它,但我似乎只得到了一些软件来破解机器人,而不是在 unityscript 中编写代码来连接转向。
下面是 C# 代码:
// EV3: The EV3Messenger is used to communicate with the Lego EV3.
private EV3Messenger ev3Messenger;
// EV3: Create an EV3Messenger object which you can use to talk to the EV3.
ev3Messenger = new EV3Messenger();
// EV3: Connect to the EV3 serial port over Bluetooth.
// If the program 'hangs' on a call to ev3Messenger.Connect,
// then your EV3 is not paired with your PC yet/anymore.
// To pair: Remove the EV3 from the Windows Bluetooth device list and add it again.
ev3Messenger.Connect("COM3"); // Hardcoded serial port: put the serial port
// of the Bluetooth connection to your EV3 here!
/// <summary>
/// UnloadContent will be called once per game and is the place to unload
/// all content.
/// </summary>
protected override void UnloadContent()
// Unload any non ContentManager content here
// EV3: Disconnect
if (ev3Messenger.IsConnected)
// EV3: send Brake message to mailbox with name "MakeNoise"
if (ev3Messenger.IsConnected)
ev3Messenger.SendMessage("MakeNoise", "Brake");
// Game can be controlled by both the arrow keys and the Steer, gas and brake paddle of the connected EV3
///Steer update
private void UpdatePaddlePositionUsingEV3()
if (ev3Messenger.IsConnected)
// EV3: Receive a new command from mailbox "COMMAND" of the EV3
// and use it to change the direction of the paddle or to exit the game.
EV3Message message = ev3Messenger.ReadMessage();
if (message != null
&& message.MailboxTitle == "Command")
if (message.ValueAsText == "")