我是 Objective C 学习编程的初学者,也是在这个网站上提问的初学者,请多多包涵。
第一个 if 语句处理从屏幕底部滚动,它工作正常。但是第二个 if 语句,我尝试用类似的代码做相反的事情,只有当我缓慢滚动时,当我快速滚动时,框之间的间距变得不均匀,有时一个框只是锁定在屏幕上并停止移动。
-(BOOL)continueTrackingWithTouch:(UITouch *)touch withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
CGPoint pt = [touch locationInView:self];
int yTouchEnd = pt.y;
int yTouchChange = yTouchEnd - yTouchStart;
//iterate through all boxes in imArray
for(int i = 0; i < self.numberOfSections; i++)
//1. get box
STTimeMarker *label = self.imArray[i];
//2. calculate new label transform
label.transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate(label.startTransform, 0, yTouchChange);
CGRect frame = label.frame;
//3. if the box goes out of the screen on the bottom
if (frame.origin.y > [[UIScreen mainScreen]bounds].size.height)
//1. move box that left the screen to to beginning of array
[self.imArray removeObjectAtIndex:i];
[self.imArray insertObject:label atIndex:0];
//2. get y value of box closest to top of screen.
STTimeMarker *labelTwo = self.imArray[1];
CGRect frameTwo =labelTwo.frame;
//3. put box that just left the screen in front of the box I just got y value of.
frame.origin.y = frameTwo.origin.y - self.container.bounds.size.height/self.numberOfSections;
//1. if the box goes out of the frame on the top
// (box is 40 pixels tall)
if (frame.origin.y < -40)
[self.imArray removeObjectAtIndex:i];
[self.imArray addObject:label];
STTimeMarker *labelTwo = self.imArray[self.numberOfSections-1];
CGRect frameTwo =labelTwo.frame;
frame.origin.y = frameTwo.origin.y + self.container.bounds.size.height/self.numberOfSections;
return YES;