There is a method for create an Aspect introduction conditionally? what i want is to extend a class using Spring AOP conditionally:
public class Test1Aspect {
public ITest iTest;
public class Test2Aspect {
public ITest iTest;
so testClass extends Test1Impl or Test2Impl depending of a properties file where i set that option, its possible? how i can exclude Aspects for being called, i try to use aspectj-maven-plugin but it don't exclude my Aspects:
<!-- use this goal to weave all your main classes -->
I remove the aspectj-maven-plugin and using only Spring AOP, following is the configuration and the test aspect:
@ComponentScan(basePackages= {
public class Application {
public static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(Application.class);
public testService testService() {
return new testService();
@Conditional(TestCondition.class) //CLASS THAT ONLY RETURNS TRUE OR FALSE
public TestAspect testAspect() {"TEST ASPECT BEAN");
TestAspect aspect = Aspects.aspectOf(TestAspect.class);
return aspect;
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public class TestAspect{
public static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(TestAspect.class);
private testService testService;
public TestAspect() {"TEST ASPECT INITIALIZED");
@Around("execution(* demo.testControllerEX.test(*))")
public String prevent(ProceedingJoinPoint point) throws Throwable{"ASPECT AROUND " + testService); // ALWAYS CALLED NO MATTER IF THE CONDITION IS FALSE, THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS THAT testService IS NULL WHEN THE CONDITION IS FALSE.
String result = (String)point.proceed();
return result;
private ITestControllerEX itestControllerEX;*/