I'm trying to build a model of a 360-degree view of the surrounding environment from a distance sensor for continuous rotation (radar). I require a data structure for making a quickly computable strategy that will bring a robot to the first clear of obstacles point (or where the obstacle is far away).

I thought to a matrix of 360 numerical elements in which each element represents the detected distance in that degree of circumference.

Do you know a name for this data structure (used in this way)? There are better representations for the situation I described?

The main language for the controller is Java.


1 回答 1



使用这种 360° 的独特之处在于它的圆形“环绕”性质。

许多人最终围绕这些数据编写了自己的自定义实现。他们在机器人文献中有很多基于它的平滑、分割、寻找特征等理论(例如:“<a href="http://link.springer.com/article/10.1023%2FB%3AJINT. 0000038945.55712.65" rel="nofollow">移动机器人的二维范围图像中的线提取”。)


于 2014-07-15T16:02:09.550 回答