我已经实现了基于不同测试在互联网上找到的鲁棒匹配器:对称性测试、比率测试和 RANSAC 测试。它运作良好。我当时使用findHomography是为了有好的比赛。


    RobustMatcher::RobustMatcher() : ratio(0.65f), refineF(true),confidence(0.99), distance(3.0) {
           detector = new cv::SurfFeatureDetector(400); //Better than ORB
           //detector = new cv::SiftFeatureDetector; //Better than ORB
           //extractor= new cv::OrbDescriptorExtractor();
           //extractor= new cv::SiftDescriptorExtractor;
           extractor= new cv::SurfDescriptorExtractor;
          // matcher= new cv::FlannBasedMatcher;
           matcher= new cv::BFMatcher();

    // Clear matches for which NN ratio is > than threshold
    // return the number of removed points
    // (corresponding entries being cleared,
    // i.e. size will be 0)
    int RobustMatcher::ratioTest(std::vector<std::vector<cv::DMatch> >
                                                 &matches) {
      int removed=0;
        // for all matches
      for (std::vector<std::vector<cv::DMatch> >::iterator
               matchIterator= matches.begin();
           matchIterator!= matches.end(); ++matchIterator) {
             // if 2 NN has been identified
             if (matchIterator->size() > 1) {
                 // check distance ratio
                 if ((*matchIterator)[0].distance/
                     (*matchIterator)[1].distance > ratio) {
                    matchIterator->clear(); // remove match
             } else { // does not have 2 neighbours
                 matchIterator->clear(); // remove match
      return removed;

    // Insert symmetrical matches in symMatches vector
    void RobustMatcher::symmetryTest(
        const std::vector<std::vector<cv::DMatch> >& matches1,
        const std::vector<std::vector<cv::DMatch> >& matches2,
        std::vector<cv::DMatch>& symMatches) {
      // for all matches image 1 -> image 2
      for (std::vector<std::vector<cv::DMatch> >::
               const_iterator matchIterator1= matches1.begin();
           matchIterator1!= matches1.end(); ++matchIterator1) {
         // ignore deleted matches
         if (matchIterator1->size() < 2)
         // for all matches image 2 -> image 1
         for (std::vector<std::vector<cv::DMatch> >::
            const_iterator matchIterator2= matches2.begin();
             matchIterator2!= matches2.end();
             ++matchIterator2) {
             // ignore deleted matches
             if (matchIterator2->size() < 2)
             // Match symmetry test
             if ((*matchIterator1)[0].queryIdx ==
                 (*matchIterator2)[0].trainIdx &&
                 (*matchIterator2)[0].queryIdx ==
                 (*matchIterator1)[0].trainIdx) {
                 // add symmetrical match
                   break; // next match in image 1 -> image 2

    // Identify good matches using RANSAC
    // Return fundemental matrix
    cv::Mat RobustMatcher::ransacTest(const std::vector<cv::DMatch>& matches,const std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& keypoints1,
            const std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& keypoints2,
            std::vector<cv::DMatch>& outMatches) {
        // Convert keypoints into Point2f
        std::vector<cv::Point2f> points1, points2;
        cv::Mat fundemental;
        for (std::vector<cv::DMatch>::const_iterator it= matches.begin();it!= matches.end(); ++it) {
            // Get the position of left keypoints
            float x= keypoints1[it->queryIdx].pt.x;
            float y= keypoints1[it->queryIdx].pt.y;
            // Get the position of right keypoints
            x= keypoints2[it->trainIdx].pt.x;
            y= keypoints2[it->trainIdx].pt.y;
        // Compute F matrix using RANSAC
        std::vector<uchar> inliers(points1.size(),0);
        if (points1.size()>0&&points2.size()>0){
            cv::Mat fundemental= cv::findFundamentalMat(
                        cv::Mat(points1),cv::Mat(points2), // matching points
                        inliers,       // match status (inlier or outlier)
                        CV_FM_RANSAC, // RANSAC method
                        distance,      // distance to epipolar line
                        confidence); // confidence probability
            // extract the surviving (inliers) matches
            std::vector<uchar>::const_iterator itIn= inliers.begin();
            std::vector<cv::DMatch>::const_iterator itM= matches.begin();
            // for all matches
            for ( ;itIn!= inliers.end(); ++itIn, ++itM) {
                if (*itIn) { // it is a valid match
            if (refineF) {
                // The F matrix will be recomputed with
                // all accepted matches
                // Convert keypoints into Point2f
                // for final F computation
                for (std::vector<cv::DMatch>::const_iterator it= outMatches.begin();it!= outMatches.end(); ++it) {
                    // Get the position of left keypoints
                    float x= keypoints1[it->queryIdx].pt.x;
                    float y= keypoints1[it->queryIdx].pt.y;
                    // Get the position of right keypoints
                    x= keypoints2[it->trainIdx].pt.x;
                    y= keypoints2[it->trainIdx].pt.y;
                // Compute 8-point F from all accepted matches
                if (points1.size()>0&&points2.size()>0){
                    fundemental= cv::findFundamentalMat(cv::Mat(points1),cv::Mat(points2), // matches
                               CV_FM_8POINT); // 8-point method
        return fundemental;

    // Match feature points using symmetry test and RANSAC
    // returns fundemental matrix
    cv::Mat RobustMatcher::match(cv::Mat& image1,
        cv::Mat& image2, // input images
       // output matches and keypoints
       std::vector<cv::DMatch>& matches,
       std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& keypoints1,
       std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& keypoints2) {
     if (!matches.empty()){
     // 1a. Detection of the SIFT features
     // 1b. Extraction of the SIFT descriptors
     /*cv::Mat img_keypoints;
     cv::Mat img_keypoints2;
     drawKeypoints( image1, keypoints1, img_keypoints, Scalar::all(-1), DrawMatchesFlags::DEFAULT );
     drawKeypoints( image2, keypoints2, img_keypoints2, Scalar::all(-1), DrawMatchesFlags::DEFAULT );
     //-- Show detected (drawn) keypoints
     //cv::imshow("Result keypoints detected", img_keypoints);
    // cv::imshow("Result keypoints detected", img_keypoints2);


     cv::Mat descriptors1, descriptors2;
     // 2. Match the two image descriptors
     // Construction of the matcher
     //cv::BruteForceMatcher<cv::L2<float>> matcher;
     // from image 1 to image 2
     // based on k nearest neighbours (with k=2)
     std::vector<std::vector<cv::DMatch> > matches1;
         matches1, // vector of matches (up to 2 per entry)
         2);        // return 2 nearest neighbours
      // from image 2 to image 1
      // based on k nearest neighbours (with k=2)
      std::vector<std::vector<cv::DMatch> > matches2;
         matches2, // vector of matches (up to 2 per entry)
         2);        // return 2 nearest neighbours
      // 3. Remove matches for which NN ratio is
      // > than threshold
      // clean image 1 -> image 2 matches
      int removed= ratioTest(matches1);
      // clean image 2 -> image 1 matches
      removed= ratioTest(matches2);
      // 4. Remove non-symmetrical matches
      std::vector<cv::DMatch> symMatches;
      // 5. Validate matches using RANSAC
      cv::Mat fundemental= ransacTest(symMatches,
                  keypoints1, keypoints2, matches);
      // return the found fundemental matrix
      return fundemental;

            cv::Mat img_matches;

            drawMatches(image1, keypoints_img1,image2, keypoints_img2,
                                 matches, img_matches, Scalar::all(-1), Scalar::all(-1),
                                 vector<char>(), DrawMatchesFlags::NOT_DRAW_SINGLE_POINTS );
                    std::cout << "Number of good matching " << (int)matches.size() << "\n" << endl;

                    if ((int)matches.size() > 5 ){
                        Debug::info("Good matching !");
                    //-- Localize the object
                    std::vector<Point2f> obj;
                    std::vector<Point2f> scene;

                    for( int i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++ )
                      //-- Get the keypoints from the good matches
                      obj.push_back( keypoints_img1[ matches[i].queryIdx ].pt );
                      scene.push_back( keypoints_img2[matches[i].trainIdx ].pt );
                    cv::Mat arrayRansac;
                    std::vector<uchar> inliers(obj.size(),0);
                    Mat H = findHomography( obj, scene, CV_RANSAC,3,inliers);

                    //-- Get the corners from the image_1 ( the object to be "detected" )
                    std::vector<Point2f> obj_corners(4);
                    obj_corners[0] = cvPoint(0,0); obj_corners[1] = cvPoint( image1.cols, 0 );
                    obj_corners[2] = cvPoint( image1.cols, image1.rows ); obj_corners[3] = cvPoint( 0, image1.rows );
                    std::vector<Point2f> scene_corners(4);

                    perspectiveTransform( obj_corners, scene_corners, H);

                    //-- Draw lines between the corners (the mapped object in the scene - image_2 )
                    line( img_matches, scene_corners[0] + Point2f( image1.cols, 0), scene_corners[1] + Point2f( image1.cols, 0), Scalar(0, 255, 0), 4 );
                    line( img_matches, scene_corners[1] + Point2f( image1.cols, 0), scene_corners[2] + Point2f( image1.cols, 0), Scalar( 0, 255, 0), 4 );
                    line( img_matches, scene_corners[2] + Point2f( image1.cols, 0), scene_corners[3] + Point2f( image1.cols, 0), Scalar( 0, 255, 0), 4 );
                    line( img_matches, scene_corners[3] + Point2f( image1.cols, 0), scene_corners[0] + Point2f( image1.cols, 0), Scalar( 0, 255, 0), 4 );








相反,我强大的匹配器(也)工作得很好,也就是说,对于不同的相同图片(只是旋转,不同的比例等),这很好,但是当我有两个相似的图像时,我根本没有匹配... 在此处输入图像描述



在发布此消息之前,我当然在 Stack 上阅读了很多内容,但我没有找到答案。(例如这里


1 回答 1


这是由于 SURF 描述符的工作方式,请参阅http://docs.opencv.org/trunk/doc/py_tutorials/py_feature2d/py_surf_intro/py_surf_intro.html

基本上,对于 Droid,图像大多是纯色,很难找到不模糊的关键点。对于 Nike,形状是相同的,但描述符中的强度比完全不同:想象左侧描述符的中心是强度 0,右侧是 1。即使您对图像的强度进行归一化,您'不会有比赛。

如果您的目标只是匹配徽标,我建议您研究边缘检测算法,例如:http ://docs.opencv.org/doc/tutorials/imgproc/imgtrans/canny_detector/canny_detector.html

于 2014-07-11T19:36:27.443 回答