The situation we have is that two sites are running simultaneously in an A/B test with the new site likely to completely replace the old once we have learned what need to from the A/B test.
The subject matter of the site includes content on a page that talks about a bank. This page exists on the old site and has been copied across to the new site so the user can find the info out regardless of the site they are on.
The problem is that Google Chrome has flagged this as a phishing page, i.e. it has noticed the very similar content, noticed the subject matter and, quite reasonably, come to the conclusion that the new page is an attempt to deceive users.
How can we solve this problem so that users of either site do not see a phishing warning?
As a front end dev I have only a small amount of knowledge of server side things, the comment mentions dkim and SPF records, I've tried neither.