我正在使用 C# 和 Mono 的 Full AOT 技术为 iPhone 开发。根据他们的限制页面(链接文本),与传统的 Mono/.NET 不同,iPhone 上的代码是提前静态编译的,而不是由 JIT 编译器按需编译。
ExecutionEngineException: Attempting to JIT compile method 'System.Reflection.MonoProperty:GetterAdapterFrame<Image, UnityEngine.Color> (System.Reflection.MonoProperty/Getter`2<Image, UnityEngine.Color>,object)' while running with --aot-only.
System.Reflection.MonoProperty.GetValue (System.Object obj, System.Object[] index) [0x00000]
Ani+AniValue.Get ()
Ani.CreateAnimations (System.Object obj, System.Collections.Hashtable properties, Single duration, System.Collections.Hashtable options, AniType type)
Ani.Method (AniType type, System.Object obj, Single duration, System.Collections.Hashtable _properties, System.Collections.Hashtable _options)
Ani.From (System.Object obj, Single duration, System.Collections.Hashtable _properties)
xObject+<>c__CompilerGenerated5.MoveNext ()
xObject:StartAnimation(Animate, GameObject, Object, Object)
GameController:SceneLoaded(Scene, GameObject, SceneBase)
根据限制文档,不支持 System.Reflection.Emit,但他们声明作为 Reflection.Emit 的一面,“整个反射 API,包括 Type.GetType("someClass")、列出方法、列出属性、获取属性和价值观工作得很好。”
void CreateAnimations(System.Object obj, Hashtable properties, float duration,
Hashtable options, AniType type)
foreach (DictionaryEntry item in properties)
name = (string)item.Key; // Extract name and value
System.Object value = item.Value;
AniValue foo = new AniValue(obj, name); // Create value object
/* To exception occurs inside Get() */
System.Object current = foo.Get(); // Get current value
上述方法从哈希表中获取属性名称,并使用它(连同 obj)来创建 AniValue 的实例。紧接着,调用 foo.Get() 来检索属性的值。异常发生在 propertyInfo.GetValue(obj, null) 上。
using System.Reflection
public class AniValue
static BindingFlags bFlags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic
| BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static;
System.Object obj; // Object a field or property is animated on
string name; // Name of the field or property
System.Type objType; // Type object
FieldInfo fieldInfo; // FieldInfo object
PropertyInfo propertyInfo; // PropertyInfo object
public AniValue(System.Object o, string n)
obj = o;
name = n;
objType = obj.GetType();
fieldInfo = objType.GetField(n, AniValue.bFlags);
propertyInfo = objType.GetProperty(n, AniValue.bFlags);
if (fieldInfo == null && propertyInfo == null)
throw new System.MissingMethodException("Property or field '" + n
+ "' not found on " + obj);
// Get field or property
public System.Object Get()
if (propertyInfo != null)
/* The next line causes the Exception */
return propertyInfo.GetValue(obj, null);
return fieldInfo.GetValue(obj);
虽然我在 C#、JIT、AOT 和反射方面的经验有限,但 GetValue() 是否应该触发 JIT?UnityEngine.Color 是一个结构体,Image 类是 xObject 的子类,xObject 是 UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour 的子类。颜色是 Image 的一个属性,这就是发生异常时代码可能获取的值。
有趣的是,您可以使用 .NET 1.1 编译代码,并且一切正常。只有当您使用 .NET 2.1 进行编译时,才会发生异常。