I am aware of howto force python operations to work on float32: How to force python float operation on float32 rather than float64
But there is no Q or A about forcing the built in functions to work on float32. I wanted to ask how about forcing the built-in math or numpy functions such as math.sqrt or numpy.sqrt to work on float32. FYI, I could not comment on the question yet.
In theano, we can easily configure the function, e.g., sqrt to work on float32 or float64 as follows:
from theano import config
config.floatX = 'float32'
from theano import tensor as T
x = T.scalar()
a = T.sqrt(x)
from theano import function
h = function([x], a)
print h(15)
and the result is:
Now I tried to force math.sqrt and numpy.sqrt to do the same as follows:
import math
import numpy
print math.sqrt(numpy.float32(15))
But the result is still seems in float64 (I confirmed it that the result would be the same, i.e., 3.87298334621, if I set theano.config.floatX='float64'):
I am curious to know howto force math.sqrt, numpy.sqrt to work on float32?