I'm not a super awesome designer so this new paradigm has me a little cranky. The iPad is not supposed to have a standard orientation, and should/shall display screen contents at whichever orientation the user decides. This has me sort of stumped. I can keep my UI designed the way I want it in landscape mode, but switching to portrait, I just can't determine the best way to present app content.

I know it's all speculation at this point, but what are the chances we can override the autoRotateToOrientation to only include the orientation of our choice? Apple ignored the HIG on a lot of issues for iPhone, including splash screens, saving state, etc.

I know we can't really argue with Apple, but doesn't it sound slightly ridiculous to reject an app because it won't rotate to portrait?

I've come a long way porting some code to iPad and it works great in landscape mode. I guess only time will tell. What do you all think?


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此视频:免费的斯坦福iPhone 编程课程中的 iPad 设计可能会让您感兴趣。

如果您还注册了付费的 iPhone 开发者计划,那么我相信该网站上也有适用于 iPad 的 HIG。

于 2010-02-23T00:45:38.703 回答

为什么不把你的 UI 设计成流畅的呢?在纵向模式下查看时,将最重要的元素保持在层次结构中的较高位置,让其他元素在屏幕上向下流动?

于 2010-02-23T00:51:09.643 回答