I have two Ubuntu virtual machines X and Y. x has Open vSwitch and floodlight running on it and the Y vm acts as a host. I have a Host-Only adapter and a NAT adapter attached to X vm. and the Y vm has only a Host-Only adapter.

the host only adapters of X and Y vm's are in the same subnet.

now I want to connect the Y vm to the internet through the OVS running on X vm. is it possible? if yes, how?


2 回答 2


要仅通过 Open vSwitch 获得与主机的 Internet 连接,


1: add the interface connected to internet(say eth0) on the OVS machine to the OVS bridge.
2: change the ip address of eth0 interface to 0 and get a dhcp ip to the bridge interface using dhclient
3: add the interfaces that are connected to the hosts to the OVS bridge
4: get dhcp ip's to the hosts by using dhclient on the host machines

使用自定义 IP 地址

1: add the interfaces connected to the hosts and the interface connected to the internet to the OVS bridge
2: make the internet interface ip as 0 
3: set the bridge ip address to the ip address that was previously assigned to the internet interface
4: make sure you have the host ip addresses in the same network address range as the bridge IP address.
于 2014-05-13T03:20:13.363 回答



于 2014-04-26T23:59:07.840 回答