I'm starting the design phase of an app and this is the first app I've ever built. The app is currently using iOS SDK 7.1 and has a Deployment Target of 7.0

Even after all of the research I have done so far here on stackoverflow and reading the iOS 7 design guidelines, I am still having trouble figuring this out.

When I go to my asset catalog, and click on LaunchImage, it only has two slots. One for 2x and one for R4. However, a lot of the screenshots I keep seeing online have more slots than that.

If I click on the + symbol and select New Launch Image, then this new LaunchImage has a ton of slots for iPhone and iPad, even for iOS 5, 6, and 7.

Am I correct in thinking that I am only supposed to use the default LaunchImage with slots for 2x and R4, because my app has a deployment target of iOS 7.0 and the only iPhone models that iOS 7 supports have retina displays?

EDIT: AppIcon in the asset catalog is similar. It only has 3 slots, and all of them have 2x underneath them.


1 回答 1



  1. 如果您有 iOS SDK 7.1 和 7.0 的部署目标,则不需要任何 iOS 6 资源,因为您的项目不会在 iOS 6 操作系统上运行。当资源从未使用过时,为什么要浪费应用程序的大小?

  2. iPhone 和 iPad 也是如此。您可能只选择了您的项目作为 iPhone,因此您不需要 iPad资源。

  3. 如果您选择部署目标 7.0,则意味着设备至少需要安装 iOS 7.0 才能运行您的应用程序。因为 iOS 7 只能在 Retina 手机(iPhone 4 和更新版本)上运行,所以除了 Retina (名称中带有 @2x )之外,您不需要其他任何资源。

    如果您在 iPad 上运行,您确实需要普通设备的资源,因为 iPad 2 和 iPad Mini 没有 Retina。


于 2014-04-02T18:03:01.190 回答