问题标签 [xcode5.1]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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ios - iOS7 新更新 V 7.1(11D167) 不兼容 Xcode 5 进行开发

我收到了IOS7新版本V7.1的通知。我已经安装在我的 iPhone 4S 上。作为开发人员,在 Xcode 5 SDK 的开发模式下未检测到我的 iPhone 4S。当我在 Xcode 中打开管理器时。表明,

此 iOS SDK 安装不支持“iPhone 4S”上的 iOS 版本。请将设备恢复到以下列出的操作系统版本,或更新到最新版本的 iOS SDK;可在此处获得。

iPhone 4S 7.1 (11D167) 上安装的操作系统



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ios - Arm64 architecture in xcode 5.1

In the new XCode 5.1, arm64 has become among the standard architectures to build for.

However, in current projects of mine I included libraries (Google AdMob for example) that do not yet support this new architecture - these are now causing linker errors:

Google AdMob 6.8.0 for example is said to be supporting arm64 but I can't really confirm this, unless cputype (16777228) cpusubtype (0) is arm64? (found through the file command-line tool)

Is there a way to go about this?

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c++ - Initializing an external variable sized array in C++

I have a declaration like this:

which compiled fine so far, but now with the update to XCode 5.1 I get an error for that:

It's certainly just a newly enabled LLVM check, but I'm curious to know how you would cope with such an error in general, especially if that is in a 3rd party header file you can't change. But also if you could change it what would it look like? I mean, how can I initialize an external array? It's defined somewhere else. It makes no sense to initialize the external reference.

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plugins - The plugin didn't work on xcode 5.1

I've updated xcode to version 5.1. And all my plugins didn't work.

I didn't see any error log when I install them again.

How can I detect result of installing processing?

I'm using

  • Alcatraz.xcplugin

  • CocoaPods.xcplugin

  • KSImageNamed.xcplugin

  • XAlign.xcplugin

I think there's some problem with xcode 5.1 because all my plugins still work on xcode 5.0.1

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ios - Xcode 5.1 - 没有要编译的架构 (ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=YES, active arch=x86_64, VALID_ARCHS=i386)

更新到 Xcode 5.1 后,我无法再为 64 位模拟器构建我的项目,收到此错误:


Xcode 目标构建设置


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ios - 你能让 Xcode 5.1 目标依赖项只构建有效的架构吗?

在 Xcode 5.1 中,Apple 使 $(ARCHS_STANDARD) 包含 arm64。如果您的项目不支持 arm64,您只需将架构构建设置更改为 $(ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT),它就不会构建 arm64。

但是,如果您有一个使用 $(ARCHS_STANDARD) 的目标依赖项,它将构建 arm64,您将收到错误消息,因为您的项目需要不是 arm64 的符号。


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ios - Xcode 5.1 破坏了 Xcode 库 - “断言失败”

自从更新到 Xcode 5.1 后,我开始收到一个问题:

我尝试重新编译我的框架“ Project”,但现在在执行运行脚本时收到错误消息。我将在下面添加运行脚本,但这是错误:


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ios - Xcode 5.1:缺少所需的架构 arm64

刚升级到Xcode 5.1,出现如下错误:

忽略文件 ...Dependencies/SalesforceNetworkSDK/libSalesforceNetworkSDK.a,文件中缺少所需的架构 arm64 ...Dependencies/SalesforceNetworkSDK/libSalesforceNetworkSDK.a(3 片)

如果我关闭仅构建活动拱门并从有效拱门中删除 arm64,我会得到:


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ios - Xcode 5.1 打破了一些测试

自从更新到 Xcode 5.1 后,我在尝试运行单元测试 (XCTestSuite) 时遇到了错误。当我运行一个单独的测试方法时,我Error while reading test scope bundle在控制台上得到错误并且没有结果。当我运行测试文件的完整实现时,我看到:


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cocos2d-iphone - xCode 5.1 build crashes - SpriteBuilder

I recently updated xCode to 5.1. All of a sudden my (cocos2d) builds keep on crashing when publishing to my iPhone 5s (iOS 7.1). It works fine in the simulator (iOS 7.1). I got a screenshot here: http://puu.sh/7rB8S.png

Also I got a bunch of warnings since I updated xCode to 5.1. Replace above with: "7rBfp.png" (due to lack of reputation...)

If you are willing to reproduce the problem, I followed this tutorial: https://www.makegameswith.us/tutorials/getting-started-with-spritebuilder/menus/ Once I added the MainScene background (and the button + methods) I was not able to build on my iPhone anymore.

Am I missing something? Before I updated xCode and my phone today everything worked flawlessly.