Is there any documentation/help manual on how to use SNAP (Simulation and Neuroscience Application Platform)1.

I wanted to run the Motor Imagery sample scenario with a .avi file for the stimulus instead of the image. How can that be done?

The following error is obtained when using the AlphaCalibration scenario which gives code to play an avi file.Any help appreciated

:movies:ffmpeg(warning): parser not found for codec indeo4, packets or times may be invalid.
:movies:ffmpeg(warning): max_analyze_duration 5000000 reached at 5000000
:movies(error): Could not open /e/BCI_Feb2014/SNAP-master/src/studies/SampleStudy/bird.avi
:audio(error): Cannot open file: /e/BCI_Feb2014/SNAP-master/src/studies/SampleStudy/bird.avi
:audio(error): Could not open audio /e/BCI_Feb2014/SNAP-master/src/studies/SampleStudy/bird.avi
:movies:ffmpeg(warning): parser not found for codec indeo4, packets or times may be invalid.
:movies:ffmpeg(warning): max_analyze_duration 5000000 reached at 5000000
:movies(error): Could not open /e/BCI_Feb2014/SNAP-master/src/studies/SampleStudy/bird.avi
:gobj(error): Texture "/e/BCI_Feb2014/SNAP-master/src/studies/SampleStudy/bird.avi" exists but cannot be read.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "E:\BCI_Feb2014\SNAP-master\src\framework\latentmodule.py", line 458, in _run_wrap
  File "modules\BCI\AlphaCalibration.py", line 30, in run
Exception during run():
    m = self.movie(self.moviefile, block=False, scale=[0.7,0.4],aspect=1.125,contentoffset=[0,0],volume=0.3,timeoffset=self.begintime+t*self.awake_duration,looping=True)
Could not load texture: bird.avi
  File "E:\BCI_Feb2014\SNAP-master\src\framework\basicstimuli.py", line 348, in movie
    tex = self._engine.base.loader.loadTexture(filename)
  File "E:\BCI_Feb2014\Panda3D-1.8.0\direct\showbase\Loader.py", line 554, in loadTexture
    raise IOError, message
IOError: Could not load texture: bird.avi

1 回答 1


由于文件大小,视频文件不包含在 github 存储库中。但是,如果您使用放在搜索路径上的任何其他视频文件(例如,在其他媒体文件旁边 - 另请参阅 Panda3d 的内容搜索路径概念),您的用例应该可以工作。

包含媒体文件的 SNAP 版本位于:ftp: //sccn.ucsd.edu/pub/software/LSE-SDK/,其中可能包含您要查找的文件。

于 2014-12-02T01:32:28.887 回答