我不断收到以下错误,“ORA-01008:并非所有变量都绑定”,我根据我的 pPostcode 参数进行猜测,但我不确定。我是整个 PLSQL secne 的初学者,任何帮助都会非常有用


 procedure all_customer_postcode(pPostcode in carer.postcode%type
                                ,pReport out SYS_REFCURSOR) is
    open pReport for
      select c.id, c.forename, c.surname,c.address_1,c.address_2,
             c.address_3,c.address_4, c.postcode, c.date_of_birth, cf.id    
        from customer c, customer_friend cf,customer_friend_for cff 
       where c.id = cff.customer_id AND cff.id = cff.customer_friend_id
       AND c.postcode = pPostcode;



1 回答 1


我已经稍微修改了你的程序,因为你发布的 WHERE 子句对我来说没有意义......

SQL> create or replace procedure all_customer_postcode
  2          (pPostcode in customer.postcode%type
  3                                  ,pReport out SYS_REFCURSOR) is
  4  begin
  5      open pReport for
  6        select c.id
  7               , c.forename
  8               , c.surname
  9               ,c.address_1
 10               ,c.address_2
 11               ,c.postcode
 12               , c.date_of_birth
 13               , cf.id  as cf_id
 14          from customer c
 15              , customer_friend cf
 16              ,customer_friend_for cff
 17         where c.id = cff.customer_id
 18         AND cf.id = cff.customer_friend_id
 19         AND c.postcode = pPostcode;
 20  end;
 21  /

Procedure created.


在 SQL*Plus 中使用变量调用它可以工作...

SQL> var rc refcursor
SQL> var pc varchar2(8)
SQL> exec :pc := 'ML1 4KJ'

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> exec all_customer_postcode(:pc, :rc)

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> print rc

        ID FORENAME   SURNAME    ADDRESS_1            ADDRESS_2            POSTCODE DATE_OF_B      CF_ID
---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- -------------------- -------- --------- ----------
         1 Joe        Chip       1234 Telepath Drive  Milton Lumpky        ML1 4KJ  01-FEB-90         11
         4 Ray        Hollis     777 Telepath Drive   Milton Lumpky        ML1 4KJ  01-SEP-81         44
         5 Pat        Conley     1235 Telepath Drive  Milton Lumpky        ML1 4KJ  01-OCT-91         55


那么,我们怎样才能让它投掷 ORA-1008 呢?通过将查询转换为字符串并更改参数的声明方式...

SQL> create or replace procedure all_customer_postcode
  2          (pPostcode in customer.postcode%type
  3                                  ,pReport out SYS_REFCURSOR) is
  4  begin
  5      open pReport for
  6        'select c.id
  7               , c.forename
  8               , c.surname
  9               ,c.address_1
 10               ,c.address_2
 11               ,c.postcode
 12               , c.date_of_birth
 13               , cf.id  as cf_id
 14          from customer c
 15              , customer_friend cf
 16              ,customer_friend_for cff
 17         where c.id = cff.customer_id
 18         AND cf.id = cff.customer_friend_id
 19         AND c.postcode = :pPostcode';
 20  end;
 21  /

Procedure created.

SQL> exec all_customer_postcode(:pc, :rc)
BEGIN all_customer_postcode(:pc, :rc); END;

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01008: not all variables bound
ORA-06512: at line 1



SQL> create or replace procedure all_customer_postcode
  2          (pPostcode in customer.postcode%type
  3                                  ,pReport out SYS_REFCURSOR) is
  4  begin
  5      open pReport for
  6        'select c.id
  7               , c.forename
  8               , c.surname
  9               ,c.address_1
 10               ,c.address_2
 11               ,c.postcode
 12               , c.date_of_birth
 13               , cf.id  as cf_id
 14          from customer c
 15              , customer_friend cf
 16              ,customer_friend_for cff
 17         where c.id = cff.customer_id
 18         AND cf.id = cff.customer_friend_id
 19         AND c.postcode = :pPostcode' using pPostcode;
 20  end;
 21  /

Procedure created.

SQL> exec all_customer_postcode(:pc, :rc)

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


所以我设法重新创建了一个 ORA-1008;我不确定它是否符合您的 ORA-1008 情况。您的直觉是正确的,这与 in 的值如何pPostcode传递给查询有关。只是您发布的代码实际上是正确的,因此不会失败。

于 2010-02-01T13:15:25.313 回答