I was toying with the idea of switching over to using XAML based icons instead of PNG-based icons, in a Visual Studio-based WPF project.

I can create reasonable and decent icons with Expression Design. but I don't get how the workflow from Expression Design to Visual Studio is supposed to work. I can export to a temporary file in WPF resource dictionary format, and then cut and paste into an actual resource dictionary in my project. I suppose. But that's getting really tedious.

How are you SUPPOSED to do this? (Export from Expression Design into a visual studio project).

fwiw, Expression Blend seems unusable for creating icons. It just doesn't play well with canvases. And Expression Design does have horrifying shortcomings and limitations. But I'd rather use a tool that's built to generate ARTWORK, rather than UI.

Is there a way to do this, and use use PACK URI's, since the project is currently heavily pack-uri based.

I think the piece I'm missing is there doesn't seem to be a standardized XAML format for image files.

Any tips appreciated.


1 回答 1


使用 Blend 创建图标一直是个问题。我不知道如何让它变得简单,但我可以建议第三方应用程序的图标..你可以在这里免费获得它......这是 Syncfusion 的 Metro 工作室,在那里你可以获得数千个图标,你可以导出以及 png和 xaml 路径...它是一个预先设计的图标,您可以使用它..

于 2014-02-10T06:33:09.277 回答