I am trying to troubleshoot an XML validation problem I am having with Eclipse.

When I try to validate the xml against a specified schema, I instantly get a

No grammar constraints (DTD or XML Schema) referenced in the document.

error. The XML schema I am trying to validate it against is located on a remote webserver. Some folk in my office are able to validate against it, whilst others are not. We are using the same xml.

I have noticed that when validation successfully occurs, Eclipse takes a few minutes, presumably because it's searching for the schema online. Alas, when it fails to validate on my machine, the failure is instant; it's as if Eclipse isn't even trying to search online.

I'm currently using Eclipse IDE JD (4.3 I think), Kepler release, but validation has been both successful and unsuccessful on Juno (3.8), again with the same xml. The machines that have successfully been able to validate were successful regardless of Eclipse version. Similarly, the machines that were not successful were so regardless of Eclipse version.

I'm completely lost.


1 回答 1


我最近发生了这种情况,并且能够使警告消失。这可能是由于 Eclipse 中的网络连接缓存损坏,因为解决方案是清除缓存。为此,请转到窗口...属性...常规...网络连接...缓存,然后单击“全部删除”按钮。它也可能需要重新启动 Eclipse。

于 2013-10-15T17:37:13.303 回答