问题标签 [expression-design]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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xaml - 将 Illustrator 或 pdf 文件处理为 XAML

将 illustrator 文件或 PDF 处理为 XAML 的替代方法是什么。我当前的工作流程是这样的:

  1. 在 Adob​​e illustrator 中打开 PDF 文件
  2. 将文件另存为 .ai (Adobe Illustrator) 文件
  3. 在表达式设计中打开
  4. 做一些处理,主要是把元素分层,去掉不需要的部分。
  5. 另存为 XAML
  6. 将 XAML 添加到 Blend 项目

我唯一的问题是这样文本被转换为路径。我想将我的文本也保留在 XAML 中,而不是路径。


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silverlight - 学习图形设计的资源

我不是专业的设计师,也不想成为一名设计师[不是我的那杯茶,我猜]。我想获得一些关于图形设计的知识[主要是使用 XAML],这样我至少可以使用 Expression Design 和 Blend。任何可以教我一些效果的书或视频都会很好。


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c# - 创建应用程序栏图标(Expression Design,Windows Phone 7)


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wpf - 将 XAML 画布导入表达式设计?

我有一个在 Expression Blend 中用于 WPF 4 项目的 XAML(画布/路径)图标。我现在想使用 Expression Design 来修改图标,但我找不到打开、导入或复制图标到 Expression Design 的方法。



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wpf - Using Expression Design to produce vector icons for WPF

I was toying with the idea of switching over to using XAML based icons instead of PNG-based icons, in a Visual Studio-based WPF project.

I can create reasonable and decent icons with Expression Design. but I don't get how the workflow from Expression Design to Visual Studio is supposed to work. I can export to a temporary file in WPF resource dictionary format, and then cut and paste into an actual resource dictionary in my project. I suppose. But that's getting really tedious.

How are you SUPPOSED to do this? (Export from Expression Design into a visual studio project).

fwiw, Expression Blend seems unusable for creating icons. It just doesn't play well with canvases. And Expression Design does have horrifying shortcomings and limitations. But I'd rather use a tool that's built to generate ARTWORK, rather than UI.

Is there a way to do this, and use use PACK URI's, since the project is currently heavily pack-uri based.

I think the piece I'm missing is there doesn't seem to be a standardized XAML format for image files.

Any tips appreciated.