简介 我一直在研究这个主题一段时间,但并没有完全掌握它。我查看了 stackoverflow 以及其他在线资源作为示例,但找不到相当相似的问题可供参考。任何帮助将不胜感激。


目标:使用旋转矩阵围绕原点旋转 3D 空间中的点 [ x,y,z ];


参考: http ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix


class RotationMatrix{
        private double theta; // Rotiation angle;
        private double rotateX[][] = {{1,0,0},{0,Math.cos(theta),-Math.sin(theta)},{0,Math.sin(theta),Math.cos(theta)}};   // Rotation matrice for x axis;
        private double rotateY[][] = {{Math.cos(theta),0,Math.sin(theta)},{0,1,0},{-Math.sin(theta),0,Math.cos(theta)}};   // Rotation matrice for y axis;
        private double rotateZ[][] = {{Math.cos(theta),-Math.sin(theta),0},{Math.sin(theta),Math.cos(theta),0},{0,0,1}};   // Rotation matrice for z axis;

    // Method to rotate point in interest in 3D [ x,y,z ];
    public void Rotate3D(Node n,double[] point){             // Method to be called (Node n to provide direction N/E/U) and array[] point to provide the coordinates of the point in interest;

            if(n.getN() == 1){                                 
                while(theta != 6.28318531){                           // Rotate by 90 degrees till theta != 360;
                    theta += 1.57079633;
                // do rotation around 'y' axis;
            else if(n.getE() == 1){                         
                while(theta != 6.28318531){                        // Rotate by 90 degrees till theta != 360;
                    theta += 1.57079633;
                // do rotation around 'x' axis;
            else if(n.getU() == 1){
                while(theta != 6.28318531){                        // Rotate by 90 degrees till theta != 360;
                    theta += 1.57079633;
                // do rotation around 'z' axis;
            } else {
                System.out.println("The rotation has failed \n"
                        + "The direction data is missing...");

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