因此,我正在尝试使用 python 编写贝塞尔曲线,与以前我能够找到的帖子不同,我需要以这样一种方式对其进行编程,即总和会根据有多少样条线进行调整,因为我需要能够删除或添加样条线。
我的编程基于这个 wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%A9zier_curve,就在标题“显式定义”之后,到目前为止,这就是我所做的
from __future__ import division
import math
import numpy as np
from pylab import*
fact = math.factorial
def binormal(n,i):
koef = fact(n)/float((fact(i)*fact(n-i)))
return koef
def bernstein(n,i,t):
bern = binormal(n,i)*(1-t)**(n-i)*(t**i)
return bern
f = open('polaerekoordinator.txt','r')
whole_thing = f.read().splitlines()
f.close() #these are the coordinates I'm am trying to use for now
#0.000 49.3719597
#9.0141211 49.6065178
#20.2151089 50.9161568
#32.8510895 51.3330612
#44.5151596 45.5941772
#50.7609444 35.3062477
#51.4409332 23.4890251
#49.9188042 11.8336229
#49.5664711 0.000
alle = []
for entry in whole_thing:
alle.append(entry.split(" "))
def bezier(t): #where t is how many points there is on the bezier curve
n = len(alle)
x = y = 0
for i,entry in enumerate(alle):
x +=float(entry[0])*bernstein(n,i,t)+x
for i,entry in enumerate(alle):
y +=float(entry[1])*bernstein(n,i,t)+y
return x,y
我现在的问题是我需要对 x 和 y 坐标求和,所以它们变成了这样
y = [y0, y0+y1, y0+y1+y2, y0+y1+y2+...+yn]
和 x 一样