我有一个正在编写的应用程序,我必须将街道地址放在预先定义的标签纸上。此标签页有 3 列和 10 行。我有正确创建标签的循环,但要求用户能够选择工作表上的标签开始。我原以为这将是一个简单的数学矩阵方程,但我无法提出或找到解决方案。
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
给定上面的矩阵,假设用户决定从 #6 开始。我需要能够告诉我的循环从那个位置开始:col:1 row:2。
for (var yCounter = 0; yCounter < _labelSettings.LabelPerColumn; yCounter++)
for (var xCounter = 0; xCounter < _labelSettings.ColumnsPerPage; xCounter++)
foreach (var table in customNugget.PdfTables)
table.YPosition = SheetSettings.PageHeight -
(verticalOffset + yCounter * ((verticalSize + verticalOffset)));
table.XPosition = horizontalOffset + xCounter * ((horizontalSize + horizontalOffset));
private static int _cellsPerRow = 3;
private static int _startIndex;
static void Main(string[] args)
string userInput = Console.ReadLine();
_startIndex = int.Parse(userInput);
int startY = _startIndex / _cellsPerRow;
int startX = (_startIndex - 1) % _cellsPerRow;
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The index you chose lives in the following matrix location:\n Row: {0} Column: {1}", startY, startX));
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");