我雇了一个人为我制作了一个 WordPress 网站http://www.brilliantzenaudio.com,我需要做一些改变。我是一名程序员(C++ 和 Python),所以我将自己尝试这些更改。显然,我雇用的那个人是基于 Roots 主题的 WordPress 网站。我一直在研究一些 php 代码,我注意到许多具有 id 和类的“div”元素,例如“header”等。我假设这些元素的样式来自某个 css 文件。我能找到的唯一一个是 style.css。它只有评论!我在哪里可以找到这些 div 元素样式的代码?

Theme Name:         Roots
Theme URI:          http://www.rootstheme.com/
Description:        Roots is a starting WordPress theme made for developers that's based on HTML5 Boilerplate and Bootstrap. <a href="https://github.com/retlehs/roots/contributors">Contribute on GitHub</a>
Version:            6.4.0
Author:             Ben Word
Author URI:         http://benword.com/

License:            MIT License
License URI:        http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT

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You can find your css in /assets/css/app.css. Roots does not use style.css.

The roots theme places all your css/images etc into a folder called assets.

Inside assets you will find a folder called css.

Inside there you will find a file called app.css - this is what he should be using if he's using the roots theme.

Note: the assets folder can either be in your root folder or in your theme folder, depending on how the roots theme was configured.

于 2013-10-18T00:11:54.563 回答