
我不断收到错误代码:java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 5 或使用随机数而不是 5。我正在尝试编写一个脚本,该脚本从用户输入中获取测试分数列表,然后计算他们输入的最高分数。我该如何解决?


System.out.print ("Enter a set of test scores, hitting enter after each one: ");
//   loop that will set values to the scores array until the user's set amount is reached.
for(int x = 0; x < testNum; x += 1) //x will approach testNum until it is less than it, then stop.
    scores[x] = scan.nextInt();

} //working

    for(int z = 0, a = 1; z < testNum; z += 1) // attempts to find the highest number entered.
    if (scores[z] > scores[z + a])
        a += 1;
        z -= 1; //offsets the loop's += 1 to keep the same value of z
        if (z + a >= testNum)
            System.out.println ("The highest number  was " + scores[z]);
        a = 0; //resets a to try another value of scores[z].


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testNum大于scores.length。这意味着当您通过将迭代器 ( i)testNum与其实际长度进行比较来遍历数组时,您将遇到不存在的索引。

例如,假设testNum = 8and scores.length = 5。然后在您的代码中,您将得到一个,ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:5因为您的循环遍历索引 0、1、2、3 和 4(请记住,数组从索引 0 开始)然后尝试访问超出范围的 5(如异常所说)。


for(int i = 0; i < scores.length; i++) {
    //do stuff

... 或者 ...

for(int score : scores) {
    //do stuff
于 2013-10-08T17:22:29.570 回答